Closed wangh107 closed 2 years ago
This works:
#' `DTHT01` Table 1 (Default) Death Table.
#' A description of the causes of death optionally with the breakdown of the `OTHER` category and/or post-study
#' reporting of death.
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param time_since_last_dose (`logical`) should the time to event information be displayed.
#' @param other_category (`logical`) should the breakdown of the `OTHER` category be displayed.
#' @details
#' * Numbers represent absolute numbers of subjects and fraction of `N`, or absolute numbers when specified.
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dm)
#' db <- syn_test_data() %>%
#' dunlin::dm_explicit_na() %>%
#' dtht01_1_pre()
#' dtht01_1(adam_db = db)
#' dtht01_1(adam_db = db, other_category = TRUE)
#' dtht01_1(adam_db = db, time_since_last_dose = TRUE)
#' dtht01_1(adam_db = db, time_since_last_dose = TRUE, other_category = TRUE)
dtht01_1 <- function(adam_db,
armvar = .study$actualarm,
time_since_last_dose = FALSE,
other_category = FALSE,
lbl_overall = .study$lbl_overall,
prune_0 = TRUE,
deco = std_deco("DTHT01"),
.study = list(
actualarm = "ACTARM",
lbl_overall = NULL
)) {
dbsel <- get_db_data(adam_db, "adsl")
checkmate::assert_factor(dbsel$adsl$DTHFL, any.missing = FALSE)
checkmate::assert_factor(dbsel$adsl$DTHCAT, any.missing = FALSE)
lyt <- dtht01_1_lyt(
armvar = armvar,
other_category = other_category,
lbl_overall = lbl_overall,
deco = deco
tbl <- build_table(lyt, dbsel$adsl)
if (time_since_last_dose) {
assert_factor(dbsel$adsl$LDDTHGR1, any.missing = FALSE)
lyt2 <- dtht01_1_opt_lyt(
armvar = armvar,
lbl_overall = lbl_overall,
deco = deco
tbl_other <- build_table(lyt2, dbsel$adsl)
col_info(tbl_other) <- col_info(tbl)
tbl <- rbind(tbl, tbl_other)
tbl <- set_decoration(tbl, deco)
if (prune_0) {
tbl <- prune_table(tbl)
#' @describeIn dtht01_1 `dtht01_1` Layout
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param other_category (`logical`) should the breakdown of the `OTHER` category be displayed.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dtht01_1_lyt(
#' armvar = "ACTARM",
#' lbl_overall = NULL
#' )
dtht01_1_lyt <- function(armvar = .study$actualarm,
lbl_overall = .study$lbl_overall,
other_category = TRUE,
deco = std_deco("DTHT01"),
.study = list(
actualarm = "ACTARM",
lbl_overall = NULL
)) {
tab <-
basic_table_deco(deco) %>%
split_cols_by(var = armvar) %>%
add_colcounts() %>%
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>%
values = "Y",
.labels = c(count_fraction = "Total number of deaths"),
.formats = c(count_fraction = "xx (xx.x%)")
) %>%
summarize_vars(vars = c("DTHCAT"), var_labels = c("Primary cause of death"))
if (other_category) {
tab <-
tab %>%
split_fun = keep_split_levels("OTHER"),
child_labels = "hidden"
) %>%
.stats = "count_fraction",
.indent_mods = c("count_fraction" = 4L),
denom = "n",
nested = FALSE
#' @describeIn dtht01_1 `dtht01_1` Optional Layout
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dtht01_1_opt_lyt(
#' armvar = "ACTARM",
#' lbl_overall = NULL
#' )
dtht01_1_opt_lyt <- function(armvar = .study$actualarm,
lbl_overall = .study$lbl_overall,
deco = std_deco("DTHT01"),
.study = list(
actualarm = "ACTARM",
lbl_overall = NULL
)) {
basic_table_deco(deco) %>%
split_cols_by(var = armvar) %>%
add_colcounts() %>%
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>%
vars = "LDDTHGR1",
var_labels = "Days from last drug administration",
show_labels = "visible"
) %>%
split_fun = remove_split_levels("<Missing>"),
split_label = "Primary cause by days from last study drug administration",
label_pos = "visible"
) %>%
#' @describeIn dtht01_1 `dtht01_1` Preprocessing
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @export
#' @examples
#' syn_test_data() %>%
#' dtht01_1_pre()
dtht01_1_pre <- function(adam_db) {
checkmate::assert_class(adam_db, "dm")
death_fact <- levels(adam_db$adsl$DTHCAT)
death_fact <- setdiff(death_fact, "OTHER")
death_fact <- c(death_fact, "OTHER")
adam_db %>%
dm_zoom_to("adsl") %>%
mutate(DTHCAT = fct_relevel(.data$DTHCAT, death_fact)) %>%
you have to specify nested = FALSE
and denom = "n"
in the last summarize_vars
of the first layout
@BFalquet Yes I have tested it. It works. Thank you!
Hi @BFalquet, nested = FALSE
will cause another issue that it will include all sub-categories in the DTHCAUS
but not related to the OTHER
. For example, in the OTHER
category, we would only need LOST TO FOLLOW UP
As @Meixh2021 commented above,
@ayogasekaram , could you please also help follow up with SME on this issue?
Here is a slightly ugly but working solution
# DTHT01_1 ----
#' `DTHT01` Table 1 (Default) Death Table.
#' A description of the causes of death optionally with the breakdown of the
#' `OTHER` category and/or post-study reporting of death.
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param time_since_last_dose (`logical`) should the time to event information be displayed.
#' @param other_category (`logical`) should the breakdown of the `OTHER` category be displayed.
#' @details
#' * Numbers represent absolute numbers of subjects and fraction of `N`, or absolute numbers when specified.
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dm)
#' db <- syn_test_data() %>%
#' dunlin::dm_explicit_na() %>%
#' dtht01_1_pre()
#' dtht01_1_main(adam_db = db, other_category = TRUE)
#' dtht01_1_main(adam_db = db, time_since_last_dose = TRUE)
#' dtht01_1_main(adam_db = db, time_since_last_dose = TRUE, other_category = TRUE)
dtht01_1_main <- function(adam_db,
armvar = .study$actualarm,
time_since_last_dose = FALSE,
other_category = FALSE,
lbl_overall = .study$lbl_overall,
prune_0 = TRUE,
deco = std_deco("DTHT01"),
.study = list(
actualarm = "ACTARM",
lbl_overall = NULL
)) {
dbsel <- get_db_data(adam_db, "adsl")
checkmate::assert_factor(dbsel$adsl$DTHFL, any.missing = FALSE)
checkmate::assert_factor(dbsel$adsl$DTHCAT, any.missing = FALSE)
lyt <- dtht01_1_lyt(
armvar = armvar,
lbl_overall = lbl_overall,
deco = deco
tbl <- build_table(lyt[[1]], dbsel$adsl)
if (other_category) {
tbl_2 <- build_table(lyt[[2]], dbsel$adsl %>% filter(.data$DTHFL == "Y"))
col_info(tbl_2) <- col_info(tbl)
tbl <- rbind(tbl, tbl_2)
if (time_since_last_dose) {
assert_factor(dbsel$adsl$LDDTHGR1, any.missing = FALSE)
lyt2 <- dtht01_1_opt_lyt(
armvar = armvar,
lbl_overall = lbl_overall,
deco = deco
tbl_opt <- build_table(lyt2, dbsel$adsl)
col_info(tbl_opt) <- col_info(tbl)
tbl <- rbind(tbl, tbl_opt)
tbl <- set_decoration(tbl, deco)
if (prune_0) {
tbl <- prune_table(tbl)
#' @describeIn dtht01_1_main `dtht01_1` Layout
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param other_category (`logical`) should the breakdown of the `OTHER` category be displayed.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dtht01_1_lyt(
#' armvar = "ACTARM",
#' lbl_overall = NULL
#' )
dtht01_1_lyt <- function(armvar = .study$actualarm,
lbl_overall = .study$lbl_overall,
deco = std_deco("DTHT01"),
.study = list(
actualarm = "ACTARM",
lbl_overall = NULL
)) {
tab <-
basic_table_deco(deco) %>%
split_cols_by(var = armvar) %>%
add_colcounts() %>%
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>%
values = "Y",
.labels = c(count_fraction = "Total number of deaths"),
.formats = c(count_fraction = "xx (xx.x%)")
) %>%
summarize_vars(vars = c("DTHCAT"), var_labels = c("Primary cause of death"))
tab2 <-
basic_table_deco(deco) %>%
split_cols_by(var = armvar) %>%
add_colcounts() %>%
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>%
nested = FALSE,
.stats = "count_fraction",
.indent_mods = c("count_fraction" = 4L),
.formats = c(count_fraction = "xx (xx.x%)"),
denom = "N_col"
list(tab, tab2)
#' @describeIn dtht01_1_main `dtht01_1` Optional Layout
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dtht01_1_opt_lyt(
#' armvar = "ACTARM",
#' lbl_overall = NULL
#' )
dtht01_1_opt_lyt <- function(armvar = .study$actualarm,
lbl_overall = .study$lbl_overall,
deco = std_deco("DTHT01"),
.study = list(
actualarm = "ACTARM",
lbl_overall = NULL
)) {
basic_table_deco(deco) %>%
split_cols_by(var = armvar) %>%
add_colcounts() %>%
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>%
vars = "LDDTHGR1",
var_labels = "Days from last drug administration",
show_labels = "visible"
) %>%
split_fun = remove_split_levels("<Missing>"),
split_label = "Primary cause by days from last study drug administration",
label_pos = "visible"
) %>%
#' @describeIn dtht01_1_main `dtht01_1` Preprocessing
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param ... not used.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' syn_test_data() %>%
#' dtht01_1_pre()
dtht01_1_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) {
checkmate::assert_class(adam_db, "dm")
death_fact <- levels(adam_db$adsl$DTHCAT)
death_fact <- setdiff(death_fact, "OTHER")
death_fact <- c(death_fact, "OTHER")
adam_db %>%
dm_zoom_to("adsl") %>%
mutate(DTHCAT = forcats::fct_relevel(.data$DTHCAT, death_fact)) %>%
mutate(is_OTHER = ifelse(.data$DTHCAT %in% c("OTHER", "<Missing>"), "Y", "N")) %>%
mutate(DTHCAUS = as.factor(ifelse(.data$DTHCAT == "OTHER" | .data$DTHCAT == "<Missing>", as.character(.data$DTHCAUS), "<Missing>"))) %>%
# `DTHT01_1` Pipeline ----
#' `DTHT01_1`
#' @seealso [dtht01_1_main()]
#' @rdname chevron_tlg-class
#' @export
dtht01_1 <- chevron_tlg(dtht01_1_main, dtht01_1_pre, adam_datasets = c("adsl"))
hi @ayogasekaram , could you look into this please. Thanks
Hey @shajoezhu Not sure if this is an ideal solution because there's some overriding involved: We can change the col_count argument for lyt2 with the same split as lyt1 and changing the denom to "N_col". attn: "new_count", "col_counts" and "denom" below
adsl <- synthetic_cdisc_data("latest")$adsl
# Ensure character variables are converted to factors and empty strings and NAs are explicit missing levels.
# For details, refer to Teal and Study Data article.
adsl <- df_explicit_na(adsl) %>% filter(SAFFL == "Y")
#Reorder the levels in "DTHCAT" to put Other category at the end.
adsl$DTHCAT <- factor(adsl$DTHCAT, levels = c("ADVERSE EVENT", "PROGRESSIVE DISEASE", "OTHER", "<Missing>"))
lyt1 <- basic_table() %>%
split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_overall_level("All Patients", first = FALSE)) %>%
add_colcounts() %>%
values = "Y",
.labels = c(count_fraction = "Total number of deaths"),
.formats = c(count_fraction = "xx (xx.x%)")) %>%
summarize_vars(vars = c("DTHCAT"), var_labels = c("Primary cause of death"))
part1 <- build_table(lyt1, df = adsl)
lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%
split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_overall_level("All Patients", first = FALSE)) %>%
add_colcounts() %>%
split_rows_by("DTHCAT", split_fun = keep_split_levels("OTHER"), child_labels = "hidden") %>%
nested = TRUE,
.stats = "count_fraction",
.indent_mods = c("count_fraction" = 4L),
denom = "N_col")
new_count <- c(tapply(adsl$DTHFL == "Y", adsl$ARM, sum), sum(tapply(adsl$DTHFL == "Y", adsl$ARM, sum)))
part2 <- build_table(lyt2, df = adsl, col_counts = new_count) %>%
# now combine tables
col_info(part2) <- col_info(part1)
result <- rbind(part1,
This results in:
@ayogasekaram @BFalquet An interesting issue would happen when we split the tables and combine them later. Please refer to the following codes by using the real testing dataset:
# adsl <- synthetic_cdisc_data("latest")$adsl
# Load a real testing dataset
dpath <- "root/clinical_studies/ro_testing/cdp_testing/spa_testing/data_analysis/spaenv_testing/qa/outdata_vad"
adsl <- rice::rice_read(file.path(dpath,"adsl.sas7bdat"))
# Ensure character variables are converted to factors and empty strings and NAs are explicit missing levels.
# For details, refer to Teal and Study Data article.
adsl <- df_explicit_na(adsl) %>% filter(SAFFL == "Y")
#Reorder the levels in "DTHCAT" to put Other category at the end.
adsl$DTHCAT <- factor(adsl$DTHCAT, levels = c("ADVERSE EVENT", "OTHER", "<Missing>"))
lyt1 <- basic_table() %>%
split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_overall_level("All Patients", first = FALSE)) %>%
add_colcounts() %>%
values = "Y",
.labels = c(count_fraction = "Total number of deaths"),
.formats = c(count_fraction = "xx (xx.x%)")) %>%
summarize_vars(vars = c("DTHCAT"), var_labels = c("Primary cause of death"))
part1 <- build_table(lyt1, df = adsl)
lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%
split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_overall_level("All Patients", first = FALSE)) %>%
add_colcounts() %>%
split_rows_by("DTHCAT", split_fun = keep_split_levels("OTHER"), child_labels = "hidden") %>%
nested = TRUE,
.stats = "count_fraction",
.indent_mods = c("count_fraction" = 4L),
denom = "N_col")
new_count <- c(tapply(adsl$DTHFL == "Y", adsl$ARM, sum), sum(tapply(adsl$DTHFL == "Y", adsl$ARM, sum)))
part2 <- build_table(lyt2, df = adsl, col_counts = new_count) %>%
# now combine tables
col_info(part2) <- col_info(part1)
result <- rbind(part1,
The result shows:
In the second and third columns, you will see the percentages are not equal in Other
and sub-category (DEATH DUE TO Death
) of Other
. The reason I found is the one missing value in DTHFL
would not be counted in the DTHCAT
The percentage of the main category (OTHER
) here is calculated by: 374/(374 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 383)=97.7%
However, the percentage of the sub-category (DEATH DUE TO Death
) is calculated by:
374/(374 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 384) = 97.4%. Since one more <MISSING>
is included in this scenario.
The correct presentation of the table should be based on the small n = 383
, which gives a percentage of 97.7%.
The denominator for items inside "OTHER" should be
instead of the count of "OTHER". We tried different options ofdenom
. However, none of them gives correct denominator.