insightsengineering / verdepcheck

An R package that tests your R package against the min/max versions of specified dependencies
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[Feature Request]: Refactor strategies to R6 class that inherits from `pkgdepends::pkg_installation_proposal` #30

Open averissimo opened 1 year ago

averissimo commented 1 year ago

Feature description

💡 Idea: Take advantage of the R6 features to organize the code and make the API identical to a pkgdepends::pkg_installation_proposal

As a side effect, it requires one less level of manipulation of a private field (if pkgplan R6 class was exported by pkgdepends then we wouldn't need it at all)

This would need a creation of a parent class that inherits from that one and 3 additional ones for strategies

To execute_ip() would look like:

ip <- min_isolated_deps_installation_proposal$new("../repos/test.repo")
ip$execute(build_args = character(), check_args = character())

# execute method workflow:
#        self$resolve()
#        self$solve()
#        self$download()
#        self$install()
#        check_res <- self$check(build_args, check_args, ...)

Parent class

# Sample, expand below to see what is defined on the methods
deps_installation_proposal <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "deps_installation_proposal",
  inherit = pkgdepends::pkg_installation_proposal,
  public = list(
    # solve() # extends on pkgdepends
    # download() # extends on pkgdepends
    # install() # extends on pkgdepends
    # check() # new method
    # execute() # new method
⊞ Expand to see code ```R deps_installation_proposal <- R6::R6Class( classname = "deps_installation_proposal", inherit = pkgdepends::pkg_installation_proposal, public = list( solve = function() { super$solve() resolve_ignoring_release_remote(self) invisible(self) }, download = function() { super$download() super$stop_for_download_error() invisible(self) }, install = function() { self$install_sysreqs() tryCatch( super$install(), error = function(err) { # Print compilation error when installation fails to help debug print(err) stop(err) }) invisible(self) }, #' @description Executes [`rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck()`] on a local package using `libpath` from the installation plan. #' #' @param path (`string`) path to the package sources #' @param build_args (`string`) value passed as `build_args` argument into [`rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck()`] #' @param check_args (`string`) value passed as `args` argument into [`rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck()`] #' @param ... other arguments passed to [`rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck()`] #' #' @inherit rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck return #' #' @seealso [rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck()] for other configuration possibilities #' #' @importFrom rcmdcheck rcmdcheck check = function(build_args = character(), check_args = character(), ...) { rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck( private$desc_path, libpath = self$get_config()$get("library"), args = check_args, build_args = build_args, error_on = "never", ... ) }, execute = function(build_args = character(), check_args = character(), ...) { check_res <- NULL try({ self$resolve() self$solve() self$download() self$install() check_res <- self$check(build_args, check_args, ...) }) return(invisible(list(ip = self, check = check_res))) } ), private = list( desc_path = NULL ) ) ```

Strategy class

Example for min_isolated strategy

# Sample, expand below to see what is defined on the methods
min_isolated_deps_installation_proposal <- R6::R6Class( # nolint objects_length_linter
  classname = "min_isolated_deps_installation_proposal",
  inherit = deps_installation_proposal,
  public = list(
    # initialize() # code from new_min_isolated_deps_installation_proposal()
    # resolve() # code from solve_ip.min_isolated_deps_installation_proposal()
⊞ Expand to see code ```R #' R6 class for min_isolated strategy #' #' @param path Path to DESCRIPTION FILE #' #' @examples #' desc_path <- local_description(list(`formatters (>= 0.5.0)` = "Import")) #' desc_dir <- tempfile("package-") #' dir.create(desc_dir) #' desc_dir <- tempfile("package-") #' dir.create(desc_dir) #' desc_new_path <- file.path(desc_dir, "DESCRIPTION") #' file.rename(desc_path, desc_new_path) #' ip <- min_isolated_deps_installation_proposal$new(desc_new_path) #' ip$resolve() #' ip$solve() #' ip$download() #' ip$install() min_isolated_deps_installation_proposal <- R6::R6Class( # nolint objects_length_linter classname = "min_isolated_deps_installation_proposal", inherit = deps_installation_proposal, public = list( #' @param config Configuration options, a named list. See #' ['Configuration'][pkgdepends-config]. It needs to include the package #' library to install to, in `library`. #' @param policy Solution policy. See ['The dependency #' solver'][pkg_solution]. #' @param remote_types Custom remote ref types, this is for advanced #' use, and experimental currently. initialize = function(path, config = list(), policy = c("lazy", "upgrade"), remote_types = NULL) { path <- normalizePath(path) config <- append_config(default_config(), config) d <- desc::desc(path) refs <- get_refs_from_desc(d) # convert github to standard if possible new_refs <- lapply( refs, function(x) { version <- version_from_desc(x$package, d) if ( inherits(x, "remote_ref_github") && check_if_on_cran(x, version) && x$commitish == "" ) { pkgdepends::parse_pkg_ref(x$package) } else { x } } ) # for github type - find ref for min version and add it to the GH ref new_refs <- lapply( new_refs, function(x) { if (inherits(x, "remote_ref_github")) { version <- version_from_desc(x$package, d) get_ref_min(x, version$op, version$op_ver) } else { x } } ) new_refs_str <- map_key_character(new_refs, "ref") d <- desc_cond_set_refs(d, new_refs_str) d <- desc_remotes_cleanup(d) temp_desc <- tempfile(pattern = "DESCRIPTION-") d$write(temp_desc) private$desc_path <- path super$initialize( refs = paste0("deps::", temp_desc), config = config, policy = policy, remote_types = remote_types ) }, #' @description #' Resolve the dependencies of the specified package references. This #' usually means downloading metadata from CRAN and Bioconductor, #' unless already cached, and also from GitHub if GitHub refs were #' included, either directly or indirectly. resolve = function() { super$resolve() res <- self$get_resolution() deps <- res[1, "deps"][[1]] ## copy op and version to Config\Needs\verdepcheck rows deps <- split(deps, as.factor(deps$package)) deps <- lapply(deps, function(x) { x$op <- x$op[1] x$version <- x$version[1] x }) deps <-, deps) deps <- deps[tolower(deps$type) %in% tolower(res[1, "dep_types"][[1]]), ] # Avoid repeating calls to resolve_ppm_snapshot deps <- deps[!duplicated(deps[, c("ref", "op", "version")]), ] cli_pb_init("min_isolated", total = nrow(deps)) deps_res <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(deps)), function(i) { i_pkg <- deps[i, "package"] cli_pb_update(package = i_pkg, n = 4L) if (i_pkg %in% base_pkgs()) return(NULL) resolve_ppm_snapshot( deps[i, "ref"], deps[i, "op"], deps[i, "version"] ) }) new_res <-, deps_res) # Keep only top versions in calculated resolution (new_res). # Very large resolution tables can become problematic and take a long to # converge to a solution. new_res <- new_res[order(new_res$ref, package_version(new_res$version), decreasing = TRUE), ] new_res <- new_res[!duplicated(new_res[, c("ref")]), ] # Keep res at top new_res <- rbind(res[1:2, ], new_res) private$plan$.__enclos_env__$private$resolution$result <- new_res invisible(self) } ) ) ```

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