insightsip / ISP4520-examples

LoRa and LoRaWan implementation examples using ISP4520
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No issue, Need help to do same thing! #13

Open Ahsan-Averos opened 3 years ago

Ahsan-Averos commented 3 years ago

Dear All. Thanks for making this kind of effort.

I will start Lorawan project on SDK15. I need your help that how you will migrate from SDK 14 to SDK 16? because I did not find Nordic, so how can I migrate from SDK16 -> SDK15 now? my other code is written on SDK 15, therefore I am restricted to work on SDK15, kindly helping me out in this! Give me some tips as I am new in nordic and sx1262.....

Thanks in advance.

Jonathan-fattouh commented 3 years ago

Hello, Nordic Semi publishes migration guides for their new SDKs. For example SDK 15 -> SDK16 is:

Now if you want to do SDK16 -> SDK15, your best bet is too replace the nRF5_SDK_16.0.0_98a08e2 folder with the one from SDK 15. Then edit the project (.emProject file) by updating the path for all files (Do a "Replace all" using your favourite text editor for ex). Then resolve all compilation issues hoping there won't be many.

Best regards,


Ahsan-Averos commented 3 years ago

Dear Jonathan Thanks for your response. I will try this .

I need to know one more thing. How do I know Node started communication with Gateway, is there any LED or return function? which can show the status of communication between Device and Gateway. I just simply got this from debugging:

Jonathan-fattouh commented 3 years ago


If a join-request is accepted by the network the node should receive a join-accept and the node should display something like that: Network joined with DevAddr=xxxxxx instead of : Network not joined, Retrying...