insilicomedicine / GENTRL

Generative Tensorial Reinforcement Learning (GENTRL) model
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Features used to train Self Organising maps #14

Closed Bibyutatsu closed 4 years ago

Bibyutatsu commented 4 years ago

Hi, It is a wonderful project and I am personally trying to make the reward function that you mentioned in your paper using Self-Organising Maps (SOMs).

For this I used both Morgan Fingerprint and Maccs Fingerprint as features. But the clusters in SOM are not converging and are scattered in


I also tried with features like Molecular weight, Synthetic accessibility, LogP, number of rings, QED score and Natural Product likeness. But still it did not converge. SOM_kinVnkin_1000_100x100

So, I wanted to ask, what features did you use for creating these SOMs. I just want to create Kinase SOM and Specific DDR1 SOM. The (b) and (c) in this picture: SOM_reference