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Add support to AsciiMath, LaTeX #58

Open GrimPixel opened 1 year ago

GrimPixel commented 1 year ago

It doesn't support formula for now. There is for LaTeX.

insilmaril commented 1 year ago

Looks interesting, though I don't understand in detail how it should be used:

Adding a full blown library to vym would make it harder to build and maintain, I am not convinced I would like to do that ;-)

Workaround idea: Use vym and external scripts to achieve similar results?

GrimPixel commented 1 year ago

I just saw Freeplane having LaTeX scripts. If you use VSCodium or VS Code, there is an extension “Markmap”, which implemented KaTeX. You can try it out:

There are some Python scripts for doing the conversion, for example

insilmaril commented 1 year ago

Thanks for all the pointers :-)

On my part I probably won't have the time to implement that in foreseeable future :-( But maybe someone else would like to jump on this, I'll happily support, if possible

GrimPixel commented 1 year ago

It doesn't look complicated in its “Build demo” section: run those commands and it will build. It seems that it requires one more dependency: the compiler.

By the way. I saw a “/tex” folder in there. Hadn't you hear about LaTeX before?

insilmaril commented 1 year ago

The vym manual itself is created with LaTeX ;-)

While MicroTex is supposed to work with Qt, I have some trouble building it as it (wrongly) assumes a GTK environment in KDE plasma :-P Seems the authors mixed up Qt and Unix as operating systems in their CMakeLists.txt :-( Also development seems to be quite dead for 2 years there.

Missing packages to compile it are (at least) tiny-xml2-devel, fontconfig-devel, probably more.

I try to have another look once I find more time (currently busy with completely rewriting vyms rendering and adding darkmode)