Closed insin closed 7 years ago
@insin ws-precache seems fitting here. I've been using OfflinePlugin, but I have been toying with switching to ws-precache since it's easier to extend via sw-toolbox.
Regarding your JSX pragma import question, I'm always happy to support either import preact from 'preact'
and import { h } from 'preact'
. Personally I prefer the latter, since I tend to favor specific imports over property bag imports, but that's just my opinion 👍
In any case, it will be... :sunglasses: configurable.
Added in v0.13.0
nwb new preact-app <name>
nwb build-preact-app
nwb serve-preact-app
- with the necessary hot reloading code in the app skeletonPreact's tiny size makes it really compelling for Progressive Web App usage, so how about investigating sw-precache-webpack-plugin with a view to adding
nwb new preact-pwa <name>
? react-hn could likely use whatever new config we have to provide/support, too.