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Create static demo page for github-pages #67

Open hackingbeauty opened 8 years ago

hackingbeauty commented 8 years ago

After developing my component, I'd like to create a demo page and push to github-pages.

Can we create a command for this? Or does this use-case already exist?

insin commented 8 years ago

Is there a common workflow for that? Happy to add a per-repo command to make it easier.

dtinth commented 8 years ago

This is what I did for redux-send.

npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-gh-pages

No gulpfile involved! Just a one liner shell script:

  "scripts": {
    "gh-pages": "node -e \"require('gulp').src('demo/dist/**/*').pipe(require('gulp-gh-pages')())\""
novascreen commented 8 years ago

i just tried this, but wanted to see if i could find a way that doesn't rely on gulp

for me this worked:

npm install --save-dev gh-pages

And in package.json:

"scripts": {
  "deploy": "gh-pages -d demo/dist"

I could take a stab at a PR for this if you're interested. I just found your project yesterday and i really enjoyed creating my first React component with it :+1:

I guess this could be another question after the jsNext question? If you would add this i'm assuming the default should be no?

revolunet commented 7 years ago

would be great to have @novascreen solution in the default template

leanne1 commented 7 years ago

I've written up how to publish to GitHub pages here:

insin commented 7 years ago

This should be added to the docs now that we have working examples, thanks for those.

tnrich commented 6 years ago

@insin has the docs for doing this been published yet? Thanks!

sconstantinides commented 6 years ago

@novascreen's solution works but renaming /demo to /docs might be simpler and more obvious. Or allowing this as a nwb config.

RavenHursT commented 6 years ago

So this worked.. initially...

You can see my publish-demo script here:

But now I've made some updates... and while my gh-pages branch reflects those changes after running publish-demo again, the page still doesn't.

For example..

I have these transitions in the compiled css image

But the css on the generated GH-page looks like an old version w/o the transitions:

Is there some kind of caching or something keeping me from seeing the changes?

revolunet commented 6 years ago

The gh-pages can take up to 10 minutes to update.

Looks like the transitions are there too now

RavenHursT commented 6 years ago

Nope.. I did this yesterday, and the transitions still aren't there... also.. there's a min-width on the dropdowns to keep the labels from wrapping that aren't there either... 🤔

revolunet commented 6 years ago

this is what i have atm :

.rating .rating-icon{cursor:pointer;position:relative;display:inline-block}.rating.disabled{opacity:.5}.font-size-0{font-size:0!important}.font-size-0-5{font-size:.5rem!important}.font-size-1{font-size:1rem!important}.font-size-1-5{font-size:1.5rem!important}.font-size-2{font-size:2rem!important}.font-size-2-5{font-size:2.5rem!important}.font-size-3{font-size:3rem!important}.font-size-3-5{font-size:3.5rem!important}.font-size-4{font-size:4rem!important}.font-size-4-5{font-size:4.5rem!important}.font-size-5{font-size:5rem!important}.font-size-5-5{font-size:5.5rem!important}.font-size-6{font-size:6rem!important}.font-size-6-5{font-size:6.5rem!important}.font-size-7{font-size:7rem!important}.font-size-7-5{font-size:7.5rem!important}.font-size-8{font-size:8rem!important}.font-size-8-5{font-size:8.5rem!important}.font-size-9{font-size:9rem!important}.font-size-9-5{font-size:9.5rem!important}.font-size-10{font-size:10rem!important}.font-size-10-5{font-size:10.5rem!important}#demo .html-entities-rating{font-size:2rem}#demo .MuiFormControl-root-1{min-width:8em}#demo .rating .rating-icon>span>span{-webkit-transition:color .15s;-o-transition:color .15s;transition:color .15s}#demo .rating .rating-icon .display-icon{-webkit-transition:width 50ms;-o-transition:width 50ms;transition:width 50ms}#demo .rating .rating-icon .background-icon>span{color:#494949}#demo .rating .rating-icon .background-icon.highlight>span{color:#ffd34c}#demo .rating .display-icon>span,#demo .rating .rating-icon.half .display-icon>span{color:#db9f33}#demo .rating .rating-icon.highlight .display-icon>span{color:#ffd34c}

also, the hash in the filename should prevent any cache issue

RavenHursT commented 6 years ago

Ok.. weird.. you are correct!

What's odd now, is how the classnames on the elements are now totally different!


Locally.. running the demo, the markup looks like this.. the class names are all different.


No wonder why the css isn't getting applied properly!