Closed brian6932 closed 1 year ago
I'm not able to reproduce the problem. Are you on the latest version?
PS T:\> mkdir foo; "" > foo/.env
PS T:\> $dotenv.Enabled = $false
PS T:\> cd foo
PS T:\foo> cd ..
PS T:\> $dotenv.Enabled = $true
PS T:\> cd foo/
PS T:\foo> dotenv info: T:\foo\.env is not authorized, authorize it with `Approve-DotenvFile` or disable the safe mode
You can turn this message off by setting `$Dotenv.Quiet = $true`
PS T:\foo> cd ..
PS T:\> $dotenv.Quiet = $true
PS T:\> cd foo
PS T:\foo>
Yea I'm on 1.0.0
, I have:
$Dotenv.SafeMode = $false
$Dotenv.Quiet = $true
in my $profile
, and I still get that message
Now to be clear, the env vars are loaded in from the .env
file, just that warning doesn't go away for me.
This is very odd... I'm still not able to reproduce the issue on my end.
Can you show your prompt
function and how you import Dotenv?
file. Note, this doesn't happen when the path doesn't contain a .env
filealt + d
then type alacritty
, using pwsh
directly shows the same dialogue thoUhm I'm actually visually impaired and can't read images without OCR (I use a screen reader). Could you provide text?
Actually if you can provide me with a sample profile script that reproduces the problem, that will be the best way to go about it.
Uhm I'm actually visually impaired and can't read images without OCR (I use a screen reader). Could you provide text?
oh sry, here you go:
dotenv info: .env is not authorized, authorize it with `Approve-DotenvFile` or disable the safe mode
You can turn this message off by setting `$Dotenv.Quiet = $true`
❯ $Dotenv.SafeMode
❯ $Dotenv.Quiet
Actually if you can provide me with a sample profile script that reproduces the problem, that will be the best way to go about it.
Regarding dotenv, this is all I have in my $profile
$Dotenv.SafeMode = $false
$Dotenv.Quiet = $true
What's your prompt
function like?
It's set by oh-my-posh, a slightly modified version of their Pure theme, with transient_prompt
[38;2;191;97;106mBrian [0m[38;2;129;161;193m~ [0m[K[0J[K[0J[K[0J
[38;2;180;142;173m❯ [0m[K[0J]0;(Admin) ~[0m
oh-my-posh --init --shell pwsh --config ~\pureCustom.omp.json | Invoke-Expression
You can post the output of "$function:prompt"
That will print the function body, which is enough.
# store the orignal last command execution status
# make it compatible with NVS auto-switching, if enabled
$script:OriginalLastExecutionStatus = $global:NVS_ORIGINAL_LASTEXECUTIONSTATUS
} else {
$script:OriginalLastExecutionStatus = $?
# store the orignal last exit code
$script:OriginalLastExitCode = $global:LASTEXITCODE
if ($script:PromptType -ne 'transient') {
$cleanPSWD = Get-CleanPSWD
$stackCount = global:Get-PoshStackCount
$terminalWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width
# set a sane default when the value can't be retrieved
if (-not $terminalWidth) {
$terminalWidth = 0
$standardOut = @(Start-Utf8Process $script:OMPExecutable @("print", $script:PromptType, "--error=$script:ErrorCode", "--pswd=$cleanPSWD", "--execution-time=$script:ExecutionTime", "--stack-count=$stackCount", "--config=$env:POSH_THEME", "--shell-version=$script:PSVersion", "--terminal-width=$terminalWidth", "--shell=$script:ShellName"))
# make sure PSReadLine knows if we have a multiline prompt
Set-PSReadLineOption -ExtraPromptLineCount (($standardOut | Measure-Object -Line).Lines - 1)
# the output can be multiline, joining these ensures proper rendering by adding line breaks with `n
$standardOut -join "`n"
# remove any posh-git status
$env:POSH_GIT_STATUS = $null
# restore the orignal last exit code
$global:LASTEXITCODE = $script:OriginalLastExitCode
Hmm... This is interesting because as far as I can tell, this does not call Update-Dotenv
Could you execute every line below one by one (interactively; not in a script) and paste the output?
mkdir foo; "BAR=42" > foo/.env
$dotenv.quiet = $dotenv.enabled = $true
$dotenv.safemode = $false
cd foo
Brian ~\test
❯ mkdir foo
Directory: ~\test
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 12/23/2022 9:57 AM foo
Brian ~\test
❯ "BAR=42" > foo/.env
Brian ~\test
❯ $dotenv.quiet = $dotenv.enabled = $true
Brian ~\test
❯ $dotenv.safemode = $false
Brian ~\test
❯ cd foo
Brian ~\test\foo
❯ $env:BAR
Brian ~\test\foo
So as I suspected your prompt does not call Update-Dotenv
I don't use oh-my-psoh but I'd guess they preserve the old prompt somehow.
So, before importing oh-my-posh, define your prompt
function as shown in the readme
Then try the same test as you did in the comment above.
Inside the foo
directory, $env:BAR
should be 42
Ok I added this
Using this doesn't seem to work at all
However, it doesn't show in $function:prompt
, oh-my-posh just seems to overwrite it, even if I put place the function after oh-my-posh, it only results in the prompt theme going back to default. However, if the oh-my-posh line in $profile
is commented out, it works (on cd).
I noticed, that the dialogue even after doing all this doesn't go away when launching the shell in a path with a .env
file, but it does go away when cd-ing to the paths.
Aha! Yes, I can reproduce this. Thank you for your efforts, I'll try to figure out why this happens and fix it when I get the time to do so (probably in the first week of 2023).
I'm so sorry this took so long. I've been pretty busy and forgot about this issue along the way.
This commit fixes the issue.
This issue still seems to occur for me, even when I remove everything $function:prompt
related, and just use DotEnv
dotenv info: .env is not authorized, authorize it with `Approve-DotenvFile` or disable the safe mode
You can turn this message off by setting `$Dotenv.Quiet = $true`
> $function:prompt
# Print the built-in prompt:
$(if (Test-Path variable:/PSDebugContext) { '[DBG]: ' }
else { '' }) + 'PS ' + $(Get-Location) +
$(if ($NestedPromptLevel -ge 1) { '>>' }) + '> '
# We check if the command exists to not cause any errors.
if(Test-Path function:/Update-Dotenv) { Dotenv\Update-Dotenv }
> $dotenv
LoggingPreference : Dotenv.Logging.LoggingPreference
AuthorizedPatterns : {}
SafeMode : False
Names : {.env}
Sourced : {.env, .env}
Logs : {}
Enabled : True
Async : True
SkipErrors : False
Quiet : True
That's odd, does it at least load the environment variables?
Actually which installation method did you follow? Also could you post the output of (get-module Dotenv).version
For reference, I'm not getting the problem with v1.0.1 from the releases page.
❯ (Get-Module Dotenv).Version
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
1 0 1 -1
That's odd, does it at least load the environment variables?
Actually which installation method did you follow?
I use scoop, I did verify that all the files and libraries were the same as the latest release
I'm trying to reproduce this but haven't been able to. Is there anything else you can think of that might be messing with it? Like say an older version in PSMODULEPATH?
You can also try manually applying the change, if it's somehow not applied:
# in Dotenv.psm1
[string]$lastdir = $PWD.ProviderPath
# ^ change above to
[string]$lastdir = ""
❯ cat "$(fd dotenv ($env:PSModulePath -split ';'))\Dotenv\Dotenv.psm1"
New-Variable -Option ReadOnly Dotenv ([Dotenv.Daemon]::new())
$ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.OnRemove += {
if($global:Dotenv.Enabled) {
Write-Host "dotenv: unloading..."
remove-item -force -ea silentlyContinue variable:/Dotenv
[string]$lastdir = ""
Alright after failing to reproduce on my machine I've decided to spin up a VM. Finally reproduced it. I think I fixed it. Try the latest release: Dotenv V1.0.2.
Thanks for your patience!
Hey sorry for the late response, I was on vacation. It is solved now, thank you.
Neither does
$Dotenv.SafeMode = $false
, both are in$profile