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Other work relevant for INSPIRE Linked Data #1

Open jechterhoff opened 8 years ago

jechterhoff commented 8 years ago


Additional work with regards to or relevant for INSPIRE Linked Data is being or has been carried out since the issues have been identified, including:

This work will be considered as input and guidance when identifying the proper resolution to each issue.

Discussion Item

Do you know of further results that would be relevant to this effort? If so, please add a comment to this issue with:

  1. a description of the additional results
  2. links to further information - each link should be accompanied by a brief description what is being linked to and why it is relevant
andrea-perego commented 8 years ago

I suggest you take into account the work carried out in the framework of the ISA Core Location Pilot.

The relevant links:

Within this exercise, the ISA Core Location Vocabulary (LOCN) was used to link datasets - from 5 Belgian agencies - concerning addresses, administrative units, and road transport networks.

The work included the development of vocabularies extending LOCN to partially model INSPIRE generic conceptual model, addresses, administrative units, transport networks and road transport networks.

These vocabularies have been used to model the datasets covered by the pilot, and available via the faceted browser and SPARQL endpoint mentioned above.

Final note:

From the faceted browser, addresses are available in RDF and INSPIRE XML. E.g.:

andrea-perego commented 7 years ago

Other work that might be relevant is the mapping proposal between LOCN and vCard /

jechterhoff commented 6 years ago

We incorporated LOCN and results of the Spatial Data on the Web working group in the development of the draft vocabularies. The other projects have not been analyzed in detail.

situx commented 5 years ago

It might not be too useful as you are creating an INSPIRE vocabulary from scratch, but in the SemanticGIS project we have extracted some local ontologies from official XML schemas (including INSPIRE). The goal was to convert GML files to RDF and having preextracted local ontologies to integrate it into. Those local ontologies could then be further interlinked to e.g. national standards. For inspire:plu we created such interlinks to the German XPlanung standard already from official mappings but also between inspire:elu and LinkedGeoData/Wikidata. As the extraction was a mainly automatic process we welcome feedback and also want to incorporate the changes you are creating in the official vocabularies. The ontologies are here:

namedgraph commented 5 years ago

Is the GML to RDF extraction code available somewhere? I was working on similar XSLT stylesheets.

situx commented 5 years ago

Currently, we basically parse the GML code using a SAX or DOM parser and then recreate the GML contents as TTL relations. We have a Java implementation, not yet published but we have a testcase with working examples for e.g. XPlanGML written in JavaScript. If it is of interest I can publish the Javacode as well. Concerning the testhomepage, do not expect everything working smoothly, but you should be able to get how we implemented the conversion.

namedgraph commented 5 years ago

Please do publish, so I can take a look :) But honestly XSLT 2.0 is the best and most portable tool for this kind of task. You can transform straight into RDF/XML or TriX. Let me know if you decide to consider XSLT :)

situx commented 5 years ago

There you go: . I outlined the main steps and assumptions of the approach in the Readme file. (Testdata we used is here: Apart from that I am sorry that the code is not so well documented. My concern with XSLT was that I would not be able to do a CRS conversion for geometries, that I would have no possibility to convert gmlLiterals to other forms of geospatial data, could not do a literal detection and that I would need to create different XSLT stylesheets for different GML dialects. If these assumptions are wrong then I would consider using XSLT. When converting xsd schemas to ontologies I indeed partly relied on a XSLT conversion (