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Split up bundled comments #39

Open DieterDePaepe opened 6 years ago

DieterDePaepe commented 6 years ago

As an example:

        a                owl:ObjectProperty ;
        rdfs:comment     "NOTE 1 This is a definition which is consistent with that adopted by the UPU\r\n\r\nNOTE 2 A subdivision of a thoroughfare name into semantic parts could improve parsing (e.g. of abbreviated or misspelled names) and for sorting of address data for example for postal delivery purposes. It could also improve the creation of alphabetically sorted street gazetteers. \r\n\r\nNOTE 3 The data type requires that each part of the subdivided thoroughfare name is qualified with information on the semantics e.g. if it is a thoroughfare type (e.g., Rua, Place, Calle, Street), a prefix (e.g., da, de la, del), a qualifier (e.g., Unterer, Little) or if it is the core of the name, which would normally be used for sorting or indexing. \r\n\r\nNOTE 4 In some countries or regions and for some thoroughfare names it is not feasible or it does not add value to subdivide the thoroughfare name into parts.\r\n\r\nEXAMPLE In France the thoroughfare name \"Avenue de la Poste\" could be subdivided into these parts: \"Avenue\" + \"de la\" + \"Poste\"."@en ;

The comment in this case consists of 4 different notes (one of which I would call an editorial note) and an example.

I suggest splitting up the note into different assertions, each with an appropriate predicate.