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Purpose of AddressLocator.level #42

Open DieterDePaepe opened 6 years ago

DieterDePaepe commented 6 years ago

I do not see the need for the AddressLocator.level attribute (in the original INSPIRE specification).

The level is explained as follows in the INSPIRE data spec:

The locator “level” attribute classifies the level of detail expressed by this locator. The locator level will allow a better understanding and a comparison between addresses and address locators from different countries and regions. For example: in The Netherlands an address number identifies a dwelling or business unit inside a building, while in many other countries an address number is assigned to a building. The locator level could also express that the locator identifies a dedicated postal delivery point like e.g. a P.O. Box

and it's values are: access level, postal delivery point, site level and unit level

However, I see the same level of granularity (or finer) in LocatorDesignator.type and LocatorName.type, which are properties of the AddressLocator.

Can you provide an example that shows the use and need of AddressLocator.level?