We actually need a form that ideally would allow users to point INSPIRE to data not in HepData or OpenData.
Such form could take as input simply a DOI that would:
[ ] import directly from Zenodo in case of Zenodo DOI (dedicated issue to be created)
[ ] import directly from FigShare in case of FigShare DOI (dedicated issue to be created)
[ ] otherwise import from DataCite to obtain at least basic metadata (dedicated issue to be created)
[ ] optionally allow the user to specify existing known INSPIRE papers (e.g. by entering record IDs or URL of INSPIRE records) so that we can simply record a link from the given paper to the given Data/Software
On legacy we had a hidden data suggestion form that had been circulated only to beta testers: https://inspirehep.net/help/data-submission?ln=en
We actually need a form that ideally would allow users to point INSPIRE to data not in HepData or OpenData.
Such form could take as input simply a DOI that would: