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CitationAnalysis: PubNote problems : JHEP, JCAP, Nuovo Cimento #3322

Open ksachs opened 6 years ago

ksachs commented 6 years ago

Labs (sometimes) matches wrong records. Do we tackle this in metadata or matcher?


recid:5943    (Published, Citeable)
Evaluation of the Radiative Decay of the Vector Mesons in the Spectrum Generating SU(4) Scheme
Amir-Arjomand, S.
Nuovo Cim. A50 393-404 (1979)
Citations difference:208  legacy:0  labs:208

999C5 $$o47$$sNuovo Cim.A50,393$$y1967$$hBaillon, P.


recid:568636    (Published, Citeable, Review)
Transition radiation detectors for particle physics and astrophysics
Favuzzi, C.
Riv.Nuovo Cim. 24N5-6 1-172 (2001)
Citations difference:189  legacy:4  labs:193
    999C5 $$o7$$sRiv.Nuovo Cim.6,1$$y1983$$hFomin, P.; Gusynin, V.; Miransky, V.; Sitenko; Yu.


recid:50164    (Published, Citeable)
Axial vector coupling renormalization and the meson baryon scattering lengths
Tomozawa, Y.
Nuovo Cim. A46 707-717 (1966)
Citations difference:119  legacy:190  labs:309

 999C5 $$o2$$sNuovo Cim.A46,707$$y1966$$hTomozawa, Y.


recid:639094    (Published, Citeable, Review)
Precision cosmology
Melchiorri, Francesco
Riv.Nuovo Cim. 26N9-10 1-142 (2003)
Citations difference:91  legacy:0  labs:91

 999C5 $$o11$$sRiv.Nuovo Cim.10,1$$y1987$$hNarison, S.


recid:782984    (Published, arXiv, Citeable)
The Closed string tadpole in open string field theory
Ellwood, Ian
arXiv:0804.1131, UK-08-02
JHEP 0808 063 (2008)
Citations difference:74  legacy:77  labs:151
    + 01258566 999C5 $$o127$$sJHEP08,063$$y2008$$hCacciari, M.; Salam, G.P.; Soyez,G.$$mURL


recid:718870    (Published, arXiv, Citeable)
Probing cosmological parameters with the CMB: Forecasts from full Monte Carlo simulations
Perotto, Laurence
astro-ph/0606227, MPP-2006-76, LAPTH-1148-06
JCAP 0610 013 (2006)
Citations difference:73  legacy:188  labs:261
 999C5 $$sJCAP10,013$$y1999


recid:53207    (Published, Citeable)
Quasipotential approach and the expansion in relativistic spherical functions
Kadyshevsky, V.G.
Nuovo Cim. A55 233-257 (1968)
Citations difference:65  legacy:64  labs:129
   I+ 00195848 999C5 $$sNuovo Cim.A55,233


recid:817895    (Published, arXiv, Citeable)
Z-prime Boson Mixings with Z - gamma and Charges to Quark-leptons
Zhang, Ying
JHEP 0907 012 (2009)
Citations difference:63  legacy:5  labs:68
    + 00771372 999C5 $$sJHEP07,012$$y1985
    + 00914639 999C5 $$sJHEP07,012$$y1993


recid:714768    (Published, arXiv, Citeable)
On gravitational description of Wilson lines
Lunin, Oleg
JHEP 0606 026 (2006)
Citations difference:59  legacy:123  labs:182
    + 00889991 999C5 $$sJHEP06,026$$y2006


    recid:786091    (Published, arXiv, Citeable)
Instability in cosmological topologically massive gravity at the chiral point
Grumiller, Daniel
arXiv:0805.2610, MIT-CTP-3949, UUITP-08-08
JHEP 0807 134 (2008)
Citations difference:76  legacy:78  labs:2
    - 00811046 999C5 $$0786091$$o5$$sJHEP07,134$$y2008$$hGrumiller, D.; Johansson,N.$$mInstability in cosmological topo
salmanmaq commented 6 years ago

5943: Metadata problem. The reference for the particular paper doesn't get parsed correctly. Refextract? misses the year of the publication, and thus matches it to the incorrect record 5943 which has the same publication_info except for a different year.

568636: Metadata problem: The journal volume and issue seem incorrect in the publication_info. That's why the mismatch.

50164: Seems to me that Labs gets it right everytime, while Legacy doesn't for some reason.

639094: Metadata problem in the record journal_volume.

782984: Issue with refextract: People have been citing in a syntax which confuses refextract. For example:

1. M. Cacciari, G. P. Salam, and G. Soyez, Journal of High Energy Physics 2008 no. 04, (2008) 063. 2. M. Cacciari, G. P. Salam, and G. Soyez. The anti- k t jet clustering algorithm. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(04):063, 2008.

which results in the refextract getting the incorrect journal volume (i.e. 08). This leads to a mismatch.

718870: Problem with refextract. It fails to extract the year from the reference, hence matching it to a different record.

53207: Labs get the right match for the record, legacy often fails to match it for some reason.

817895: refextract year extraction failure, hence the mismatch.

714768: Sometimes people do not cite the below-mentioned article well, for example, the following misses the journal_volume completely:

T. Sjstrand, S. Mrenna, and P. Skands, PYTHIA 6.4 physics and manual, Journal of High Energy Physics 2006, 026 (2006).

and sometimes it's a refextract failure to extract the correct journal_volume; for example, for the reference below, refextract gets the journal volume wrong as 06 instead of 05:

T. Sjöstrand, S. Mrenna, and P. Skands, “PYTHIA 6.4 physics and manual,” J. High Energy Phys. 2006 no. 05, (May, 2006) 026–026.

786091: 786091 and 1649628 are two copies of the same record and need to be merged.