even if it returns a reference object for the same line it should hold that r1 = r2 with r1, r2 from the refs each with the same lineno and especially that r1['title'] = r2['title']
the refs found contain multiple contradictory results.
Replicate me
install pytest-subtests.
call with the document attached above
#with subtests from pytest-subtests
def test_reference_consistency(path, subtests):
Ensure that for each line in the file, there are no inconsistent duplicate references.
Given a list of references, there shall only exist two references r1 and r2 where r1.lineno = r2.lineno and r1 == r2.
refs = extract_references_from_file(path)
# Group the references by line number
lines = {}
for ref in refs:
lineno = ref['linemarker'][0]
if lineno in lines:
lines[lineno] = [ref]
# Check for inconsistent duplicate references on each line
consistency = True
for lineno, refs in lines.items():
if len(refs) == 1:
assert len(refs) > 1
with subtests.test('line', lineno=lineno, refs=refs) as st:
# Check that each pair of references on the line are consistent duplicates
for i in range(1, len(refs)):
ref1 = refs[i - 1]
ref2 = refs[i]
assert r1 == r2, f"Found inconsistent references: {r1} and {r2}"
Given this document Kotti et al. - 2023 - Machine Learning for Software Engineering A Terti.pdf
i would expect
r1 = r2
withr1, r2 from the refs each with the same lineno
and especially thatr1['title'] = r2['title']
the refs found contain multiple contradictory results.
Replicate me
install pytest-subtests. call with the document attached above