inspirezonetech / TeachMePythonLikeIm5

Teach the Python programming language using a collection of super beginner friendly tutorials and challenges.
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Fixed BUG #100

Closed Aaliya1708 closed 1 year ago

Aaliya1708 commented 2 years ago

Please fill in this pull request template before submitting

1. This pull request resolves #98

2. Description

Modifying the STDIN can help us check the functions for the dummy inputs this can also help us automate the solution checking in the workflow itself

3. Fill in checklist by marking [x]

funbeedev commented 2 years ago

@Aaliya1708 Thanks for the PR! There was a small linting check error but I've fixed now.

I see you added a way of passing an input but ideally this change should not affect the tutorial. For example, if the user wants to enter in their own input they need to remove the StringIO part and checking the factorial of any number other than 10 results in an assert error. This might be tricky to understand for anyone new to Python and who just wants to learn about recursive functions.

For these reasons I can't merge the code as is but it's opened up some possible ideas to how we can overcome this in future so still happy to accept for hacktoberfest!

Btw if you have any other ideas for workarounds feel free to make changes to the PR! Maybe there's also something that can be done in the GitHub action to check the python file while also passing in dummy values to any programs using input?