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Populate file-handling/ with a tutorial and challenge. #101

Closed CelestialZeus closed 2 years ago

CelestialZeus commented 2 years ago

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Populate file-handling/ with a tutorial and challenge.

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funbeedev commented 2 years ago

@MalevolentStrix Thanks for your PR!

Just one part to check with you. When I uncomment this:

filename = input("Enter the directory name/path you would like to scan: ")  # uncomment if you want to give the directory name while running

I cannot seem to get the program to work and it always prints the directory not found error. Can you please explain what format the input is expecting the directory to be entered? Or can check your program is running correctly before I can merge? Thanks!

CelestialZeus commented 2 years ago

@MalevolentStrix Thanks for your PR!

Just one part to check with you. When I uncomment this:

filename = input("Enter the directory name/path you would like to scan: ")  # uncomment if you want to give the directory name while running

I cannot seem to get the program to work and it always prints the directory not found error. Can you please explain what format the input is expecting the directory to be entered? Or can check your program is running correctly before I can merge? Thanks!

So sorry for the mistake, I actually misspelled a variable. Can you check it once more, I have pushed it and now it gives me the correct output, you can write "./" for scanning the files inside the current directory or specify the full location to scan files there.

funbeedev commented 2 years ago

@MalevolentStrix Thanks for fixing the issue. Happy to merge now :smile: