inspirezonetech / TeachMePythonLikeIm5

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[tutorial] f-strings in python #102

Closed mananuppadhyay closed 2 years ago

mananuppadhyay commented 2 years ago

Description of tutorial f-strings are easy to learn and save time while formatting strings, and hence are much more efficient than the other methods. I couldn't find a tutorial on the same and thought of making one. I'll try covering the following:

  1. Syntax of f-strings
  2. Multiple annotated examples of using them

Do you want to be assigned to work on this? (mark [x])

funbeedev commented 2 years ago

@mananuppadhyay Thanks for the tutorial suggestion! I've assigned you now.

mananuppadhyay commented 2 years ago

I've made a PR. Please do let me know if there are any changes still required.