inspirezonetech / TeachMePythonLikeIm5

Teach the Python programming language using a collection of super beginner friendly tutorials and challenges.
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Adding in loops directory #112

Closed deepu14d closed 2 years ago

deepu14d commented 2 years ago

1. This pull request resolves #105

2. Description

Creating file inside loops directory. The files content give us introduction to pass statement with an example.

3. Fill in checklist by marking [x]

deepu14d commented 2 years ago

Can you please also add the hacktoberfest label to this

deepu14d commented 2 years ago

Thanks @deepu14d , I have suggested changes.

Oh sorry It seem confusing to me too at first. Can you please help in adding a challenge? I am unable to come with something good n easy (and I am travelling, don't have access to PC. Sorry) I'll try to change challenge ASAP.

deepu14d commented 2 years ago

I have made a suggestion @deepu14d , tell me what you think

Yeah yeah it's fine, better than mine challenge. Thanks

sabderemane commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your contribution @deepu14d 🎉