inspirezonetech / TeachMePythonLikeIm5

Teach the Python programming language using a collection of super beginner friendly tutorials and challenges.
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Added tutorial for creating REST API with Python and FastAPI. #118

Closed amulyavarshney closed 1 year ago

amulyavarshney commented 2 years ago

Please fill in this pull request template before submitting

1. This pull request resolves #107

2. Description

I have created an advanced tutorial for creating REST API using Python and FastAPI. The prerequisite for this tutorial is mentioned in the local file.

3. Fill in checklist by marking [x]

amulyavarshney commented 2 years ago

The job-execute-python check is unable to install the dependencies from requirements.txt file. Please fix that or rerun the program and check it manually.

funbeedev commented 2 years ago

@amulyavarshney Thanks for your PR! I'm adding the hacktoberfest accepted label so it counts in time for hacktoberfest. However, please note we might still require you to make some changes after we review the PR later on!

funbeedev commented 2 years ago

The job-execute-python check is unable to install the dependencies from requirements.txt file. Please fix that or rerun the program and check it manually.

I'll also check this later.