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showing one way to create dataframes from lists #139

Closed ifeomaaaa closed 1 year ago

ifeomaaaa commented 1 year ago

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(Showing how to create a dataframe from a list of lists)

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ifeomaaaa commented 1 year ago

@funbeedev I tried to add pip install pandas o my because I thought it would make the script run as it should. Without that code, the error message I initially got was that there was no module named pandas. This was confusing because how can GitHub actions not recognize that package?

Also, I can’t comment out ‘import pandas as pd’ otherwise I would not be able to create a dataframe at All. And so I would have to comment out the whole code, including the part where a list is transformed to a dataframe.

I already resolved the linting issue. The only one I can’t resolve is the one of not recognizing pandas as a module. I’ve seen other tutorials, I’ve fixed the code to the best of my abilities, and I honestly don’t think there’s more I can do in that regard because of the issues I’ve stated.

sabderemane commented 1 year ago

Thank you @ifeomaaaa for your contribution !