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GitHub action 'execute-modified-python-file.yml' will only execute first file and ignore the rest when multiple files are modified at once #93

Open funbeedev opened 2 years ago

funbeedev commented 2 years ago

About Bug or problem GitHub action to execute modified python file is implemented in .github/workflows/execute-modified-python-file.yml

This action executes any files that are modified in the repo. A JSON is generated listing the modified files and will execute the file. However, this only works properly when one file is modified at a time. If for example, two files are modifed at once, the JSON will list two files but only the first will be executed. This example GitHub action report shows two files were modified but only the first file in the list was executed.

Steps to reproduce Modify more than one file at once and commit them to repo.

Potential fix Implement a loop that will scan through JSON list of modified files and execute each one by one.

dilroseR commented 2 years ago

Can I know more about this in detail? @funbeedev

funbeedev commented 2 years ago

@dilroseR If you're still interested in working on this I've added more detail to the description!