inspirit / jsfeat

JavaScript Computer Vision library.
MIT License
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More Documentation Needed #58

Open kevinwu opened 8 years ago

kevinwu commented 8 years ago

The documentation here ( is not very helpful for people new to jsfeat. Some getting started guides would be helpful.

For example, I have a webcam stream using getUserMedia. I want to apply a Gaussian Blur on that livestream. There is a jsfeat demo doing just that but I have no idea how to implement it in my code as there is no documentation on how to get started.

Can anyone help?

Nateowami commented 7 years ago

I agree, the documentation could be more helpful. However, if you view source on the examples, you can get a good idea of how to use it. Just search the source for jsfeat and see what is being called, and what arguments are being passed in. It's not perfect, but it got me unstuck. Kinda.

schnell9 commented 7 years ago

Take a look:

alexreflexive commented 5 years ago

Your learn a lot with Computer Vision. Good explanation about how the all thing works. But to write real code it's still quite difficult.