inspirit / jsfeat

JavaScript Computer Vision library.
MIT License
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updated build files. #67

Closed sminogue closed 7 years ago

sminogue commented 7 years ago

Changes to the master have been made since the last time the combined and minimized jsfeat.js files were last updated. Specifically hough_transform support has been added.

Recommend also tagging a new release for people to use.

serapath commented 7 years ago

There seems to be no conflicts. I'm using a copy of jsfeat in another project that I currently refactor. I would like to remove that copy and instead require('jsfeat') directly.

I wrote a message to @inspirit on twitter here:

If @inspirit doesn't maintain this anymore, maybe a fork can be created to include this and maybe the other pull request and maybe some more changes that @mccoder did here:

(He described those changes here:

It could be published under

inspirit commented 7 years ago

sorry seems like i did not receive notification for it for some reason...

serapath commented 7 years ago

awesome :-) What about his one? There was some discussion and it looks like the @ghost added some commits but then nothing happened.

Is this desireable to be merged or out of scope or why did progress stop? :-)

I'd just would like to fork the most up2date version in order to make a pull request myself :-) Would a pull request containing be welcome? It's about 2 files:

serapath commented 7 years ago

@inspirit oh, and do you mind if i publish the module to npm? This one: seems to be published by a different guy and a bit outdated too.

inspirit commented 7 years ago

the one from #18 can not be merged unfortunately when i saw that pull request the user account was deleted @ghost is just empty name for deleted user. so if you want to have that added you can reopen request with existing user

serapath commented 7 years ago

I'm working on a quite serious refactoring of the project. I hope it will get merged. If it's too much I understand and would just maintain a fork. It's not done yet, because I have to update the demo's but you can preview already here:

The github-page is now served from the demo/ folder in the master branch and the "gh-pages" branch is removed. You can go to settings in github to change that. I will try to make all the demos work now and then maybe a pull request makes sense? ...guess that's up to you :-)

inspirit commented 7 years ago

so what is the reason for such changes?