inspirit / jsfeat

JavaScript Computer Vision library.
MIT License
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jsfeat.point2d_t is not a constructor, jsfeat.js vs jsfeat-min.js #96

Closed Charliebaby019 closed 3 days ago

Charliebaby019 commented 1 year ago

1st. i truly absolutely love the work you invested and produced regarding this library. 2nd. im not familiar with the editquette of forum posting, please forgive me

3rd what the ... happened? I've been running lots of js apps with different versions of dalaunay triagulation methods and they've been working GREAT for at least two years, now suddenly i look back at them and none of them work anymore. i was depending on

now (within, maybe 4 months?) it causes " jsfeat.point2d_t is not a constructor " errors in my console on every single one of my apps

using an installed copy of jsfeat.js solves it (i havent tried the min versions. lol that would have been wise of me huh? ) or using jsfeat.keypoint_t (0,0,0,0) as shown in your examples works. (also jsfeat.imgproc.grayscale fails under jsfeat-min.js , until i pass width and height as my middle two variables.)

i just ! now ! solved? these two issues, but im left VERY VERY confused as to what happened.

was jsfeat.min.js changed? and i can't find jsfeat.js anywhere online to load as a library except here. my profoundly deep ignorance says, linking to libraries on github isn't the best method.

(I would post my code, but its all been working so, im assuming it was a change out of my control?) links? suggestions? insights?