instaclick / php-webdriver

W3C and Selenium 2 webdriver "thin client" for php 5.3+ and namespaces.
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The W3C session is never created #134

Open aik099 opened 6 months ago

aik099 commented 6 months ago

Problem 1 - incorrectly built $parameters array

Calling the \WebDriver\WebDriver::session is always attempting to create a non-W3C compatible session for Selenium 3/4.

An exception, that is thrown upon a W3C session creation attempt (which is immediately caught) looks like this:

Expected to read a START_COLLECTION but instead have: START_MAP. Last 30 characters read: {"capabilities":{"firstMatch":, next 128 characters to read: {"browserName":"chrome","name":"Behat Test","goog:chromeOptions":{"binary":"\/path\/to\/custom\/browser-binary
Build info: version: '4.17.0', revision: 'e52b1be057*'
Driver info: driver.version: unknown

The \WebDriver\WebDriver::session method arguments:



// default to W3C WebDriver API
$firstMatch = $desiredCapabilities ?: array();
$firstMatch[] = array('browserName' => Browser::CHROME);


$firstMatch = $desiredCapabilities ? array($desiredCapabilities) : array();
$firstMatch[] = array('browserName' => Browser::CHROME);

Done in #135.

Problem 2 - the non-W3C capabilities aren't converted to W3C capabilities

After fixing the above problem the exception message is now different:

Illegal key values seen in w3c capabilities: [name]


Covert desired/required capabilities array using an approach similar to .