instaclick / php-webdriver

W3C and Selenium 2 webdriver "thin client" for php 5.3+ and namespaces.
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Webdriver does not find any elements with newest Chrome #92

Closed achudzinski closed 5 years ago

achudzinski commented 5 years ago


After last update of chrome and chromedriver, webdriver doesn't find elements on page anymore.

Possible cause I've found out that in method WebDriver\Container::webDriverElement there is a check for ELEMENT key in $value array. But after checking content of that array I didn't find that key, instead there is a key in format element-(something), eg.:

    'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf' =>
    string(36) "e5707dbd-fc80-4bfb-aca3-ef2cf18ddf9d"
Mramir-bounteous commented 5 years ago

Can we get this issue reopened and resolved? I came across this issue with a Drupal project I am working on and I imagine there are many people in my situation with this issue. Currently behat/mink-selenium2-driver relies on instaclick/php-webdriver: ~1.1 but the above issue has been resolved in 2.x.

It would be great to backport the resolution to 1.x so that we don't need to rely on a stable 2.x to be released.