instaclustr / cassandra-exporter

Java agent for exporting Cassandra metrics to Prometheus
Apache License 2.0
69 stars 44 forks source link

Export metric on https with ssl #101

Open MGulerce opened 2 years ago

MGulerce commented 2 years ago

Hello, I'm new to cassandra-exporter.I setup the jar with standalone and agent .Works fine each way.But metric can read on http://IP:9500 But I cant add ssl encryption.I dont know if it's possible to do. If it's possible how can ı do that?

Thanks for helping.

zegelin commented 2 years ago

The exporter supports ssl. See the --ssl CLI option, and its counterparts. Have a look at the Options section of the README.

If you're encountering an error when trying to enable SSL please provide more details.

Hope this helps!

MGulerce commented 2 years ago

Hi , I downloaded standalone jar version 0.9.10. When I checked the cli option with --help. It gives me nothing about ssl options.But as you say in the README has ssl options.Here is what ı get

java -jar cassandra-exporter-standalone-0.9.10.jar --help

[root@localhost mg]# java -jar cassandra-exporter-standalone-0.9.10.jar --help
Usage: cassandra-exporter [-hV] [--enable-collector-timing]
                          [--exclude-system-tables] [--no-fast-float]
                          [--no-global-labels] [--no-table-labels] [-v]...
                          [--cql-password=PASSWORD] [--cql-user=NAME]
                          [--family-help=VALUE] [--jmx-password=PASSWORD]
                          [--jmx-service-url=URL] [--jmx-user=NAME]
                          [--keyspace-metrics=FILTER] [--node-metrics=FILTER]
                          [--exclude-keyspaces=<excludedKeyspaces>]... [-g=LABEL
                          [,LABEL...]]... [-l=[ADDRESS][:PORT]]... [-t=LABEL[,
                          LABEL...]]... [-e=EXCLUSION...]...
  -g, --global-labels=LABEL[,LABEL...]
                            Select which global labels to include on all exported
                              metrics. Valid options are: 'CLUSTER' (cluster name),
                              'NODE' (node endpoint IP address), 'DATACENTER' (DC
                              name), 'RACK' (rack name). The default is to include
                              all global labels except HOST_ID. To disable all
                              global labels use --no-global-labels.
  -t, --table-labels=LABEL[,LABEL...]
                            Select which labels to include on table-level metrics.
                              Valid options are: 'TABLE_TYPE' (table, view or
                              index), 'INDEX_TYPE' (for indexes -- keys, composites
                              or custom), 'INDEX_CLASS' (the index class name for
                              custom indexes),  'COMPACTION_STRATEGY_CLASS' (for
                              tables & views, compaction-related metrics only). The
                              default is to include all table labels. To disable all
                              table labels use --no-table-labels.
                            Select which table-level metrics to expose. Valid
                              options are: 'ALL' (all metrics), 'HISTOGRAMS' (only
                              histograms & summaries), 'NONE' (no metrics). The
                              default is 'ALL'.
                            Select which keyspace-level aggregate metrics to expose.
                              Valid options are: 'ALL' (all metrics), 'HISTOGRAMS'
                              (only histograms & summaries), 'NONE' (no metrics).
                              The default is 'HISTOGRAMS'.
      --node-metrics=FILTER Select which node-level aggregate metrics to expose.
                              Valid options are: 'ALL' (all metrics), 'HISTOGRAMS'
                              (only histograms & summaries), 'NONE' (no metrics).
                              The default is 'HISTOGRAMS'.
                            Collect per-thread CPU times, where each thread gets its
                              own time-series. (EXPERIMENTAL)
                            Record the cumulative time taken to run each collector
                              and export the results.

  -e, --exclude=EXCLUSION...
                            Exclude a metric family or MBean from exposition.
                              EXCLUSION may be the full name of a metric family
                              (wildcards or patterns not allowed) or the ObjectName
                              of a MBean or a ObjectName pattern that matches
                              multiple MBeans. ObjectNames always contain a colon
                              (':'). See the ObjectName JavaDoc for details. If
                              EXCLUSION is prefixed with an '@', it is interpreted
                              (sans @ character) as a path to a file containing
                              multiple EXCLUSION values, one per line. Lines
                              prefixed with '#' are considered comments and are
                              ignored. This option may be specified more than once
                              to define multiple exclusions.
      --no-global-labels    Disable all global labels.
      --no-table-labels     Disable all table labels.
      --no-fast-float       Disable the use of fast float -> ascii conversion.
                            Exclude system table/keyspace metrics.
  -l, --listen=[ADDRESS][:PORT]
                            Listen address (and optional port). ADDRESS may be a
                              hostname, IPv4 dotted or decimal address, or IPv6
                              address. When ADDRESS is omitted, (wildcard)
                              is substituted. PORT, when specified, must be a valid
                              port number. The default port 9500 will be substituted
                              if omitted. If ADDRESS is omitted but PORT is
                              specified, PORT must be prefixed with a colon (':'),
                              or PORT will be interpreted as a decimal IPv4 address.
                              This option may be specified more than once to listen
                              on multiple addresses. Defaults to ''
      --family-help=VALUE   Include or exclude metric family help in the exposition
                              format. AUTOMATIC excludes help strings when the user
                              agent is Prometheus and includes them for all other
                              clients (cURL, browsers, etc). Currently Prometheus
                              discards help strings. Excluding help strings saves
                              bandwidth. Can be overridden with the "?
                              help=true|false" URI query parameter. Valid values:
                              INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, AUTOMATIC. Defaults to AUTOMATIC.
      --jmx-service-url=URL JMX service URL of the Cassandra instance to connect to
                              and collect metrics. Defaults to 'service:jmx:rmi:
      --jmx-user=NAME       JMX authentication user name.
                            JMX authentication password.
                            Address/hostname and optional port for the CQL metadata
                              connection. Defaults to 'localhost:9042'
      --cql-user=NAME       CQL authentication user name.
                            CQL authentication password.
  -v, --verbose             Enable verbose logging. Multiple invocations increase
                              the verbosity.
  -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version             Print version information and exit.
[root@localhost mg]#

Standolone version can support ssl or just agent can ?
