instagram4j / instagram4j

:camera: Instagram private API in Java
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Upload video error "Handle is missing" #722

Open schuettec opened 2 months ago

schuettec commented 2 months ago


I made sure...


I tried uploading a video file to instagram with the following code

      OkHttpClient httpClient = IGUtils.defaultHttpClientBuilder()
      IGClient client = IGClient.builder()
      MediaConfigureToIgtvResponse response = client.actions()
          .upload(videoFile, coverFile, title, caption)

Pretty simple. The video file is uploaded in segments.

Here is a part of the logs showing the upload:

Mai 07, 2024 4:40:06 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient lambda$sendRequest$4
INFORMATION: Response for with body (truncated) : {"dc":"ldc2c05","offset":80000000}
Mai 07, 2024 4:40:06 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.actions.upload.UploadAction lambda$null$4
INFORMATION: ... Uploading segment (9/14)
Mai 07, 2024 4:40:06 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient sendRequest
INFORMATION: Sending request :
Mai 07, 2024 4:40:09 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient$2 onResponse
INFORMATION: Response for : 206
{"debug_info":{"retriable":true,"type":"PartialRequestError","message":"Partial request (did not match length of file)"}}

There is a PartialRequestError. Don't know if this is part of the problem, beause after the last segment it says:

Mai 07, 2024 4:40:21 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient lambda$sendRequest$4
INFORMATION: Response for with body (truncated) : {"dc":"ldc2c05","offset":130000000}
Mai 07, 2024 4:40:21 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.actions.upload.UploadAction lambda$null$4
INFORMATION: ... Uploading segment (14/14)
Mai 07, 2024 4:40:21 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient sendRequest
INFORMATION: Sending request :
Mai 07, 2024 4:40:23 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient$2 onResponse
INFORMATION: Response for : 200
Mai 07, 2024 4:40:23 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient lambda$sendRequest$4
INFORMATION: Response for with body (truncated) : {"media_id":18225969199273546,"status":"ok"}
Mai 07, 2024 4:40:23 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.actions.upload.UploadAction lambda$null$3
INFORMATION: ... Done uploading segment 14
Mai 07, 2024 4:40:23 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient sendRequest
INFORMATION: Sending request :
Mai 07, 2024 4:40:23 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient$2 onResponse
INFORMATION: Response for : 200

Seems fine for the video upload. But then it tries to upload the cover image and there is the ultimate error:

Mai 07, 2024 4:40:23 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient lambda$sendRequest$4
INFORMATION: Response for with body (truncated) : {"status":"ok","xsharing_nonces":{}}
Mai 07, 2024 4:40:23 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient sendRequest
INFORMATION: Sending request :
Mai 07, 2024 4:40:24 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient$2 onResponse
INFORMATION: Response for : 400
{"debug_info":{"retriable":false,"type":"ProcessingFailedError","message":"{\"message\":\"Handle is missing.\",\"status\":\"fail\"}"}}
Mai 07, 2024 4:40:24 PM com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient lambda$sendRequest$4
INFORMATION: Response for with body (truncated) : {"debug_info":{"retriable":false,"type":"ProcessingFailedError","message":"{\"message\":\"Handle is 
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Posting a video to instagram failed.
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.exceptions.IGResponseException
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.reportGet(
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.get(
    at MyClass.main(
Caused by: com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.exceptions.IGResponseException
    at com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.requests.IGRequest.parseResponse(
    at com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient.lambda$sendRequest$4(
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniApply.tryFire(
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.complete(
    at com.github.instagram4j.instagram4j.IGClient$2.onResponse(
    at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealCall$
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
    at java.base/

So it might be the cover image upload that has errors? What is the "handle" that is missing?

Is there anything I can do?

ErrorxCode commented 2 months ago

This library is no longer maintained. All the progress is moved to this repo.

See #709 & #719