I open markdown in vim and preview by :InstantMarkdownPreview, browser pops up and show the prview successfully.
After this, I closed markdown document, and reopen it, and press :InstantMarkdownPreview again. The browser doesn't pops up the preview page any more.
But after I kill instant-markdown-d by pkill -f instant-markdown-d, and rerun :InstantMarkdownPreview, it works as expected.
Pops up the preview page when press :InstantMarkdownPreview all the time.
Problem summary
I open markdown in vim and preview by :InstantMarkdownPreview, browser pops up and show the prview successfully. After this, I closed markdown document, and reopen it, and press :InstantMarkdownPreview again. The browser doesn't pops up the preview page any more.
But after I kill instant-markdown-d by
pkill -f instant-markdown-d
, and rerun :InstantMarkdownPreview, it works as expected.Expected
Pops up the preview page when press :InstantMarkdownPreview all the time.
Environment Information
Steps to reproduce the issue (required)