instantOS / dotfiles

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Update dunstrc to be compatible with a new version (+improvements) #16

Closed Pebor closed 2 years ago

Pebor commented 2 years ago

Gets rid of geometry and uses the new width height origin offset In changing this, I've made the notification offset be on a normal monitor the same from both the right side and the top side + topbar and the notification is set to be between 64 and 400 height in pixels. Maybe the width could be tampered with too, as to not have it so big, but that's a design decision :thinking: I've also changed the default action on mouse_left_click to both do the embedded action and close the clicked notification. For the time being, a new Volume section has been added to give the volume notification just a 1 second timeout. It's already set to accept a pull request from instantassist to also show the volume percentage. Maybe later the summary section could be replaced with tags or something of that nature. Actually changed the progress bar to be the system color. + all tabs are now 4 spaces image