When loading a package that has a class extension that is not in the image it currently raises an error because the class was not found.
Determine what to do in these cases. E.g. the class might exist as part of an application in the library, or the extension could be omitted (and properly logged).
I found this while trying to load BuoyConditions from issue #12.
| reader |
reader := TonelReader new readPackagesFrom:
((CfsPath named: CfsDirectoryDescriptor getcwd)
append: '..\TonelRepositories\Buoy').
(TonelLoader on: reader) loadApplicationNamed: 'BuoyConditions'
When loading a package that has a class extension that is not in the image it currently raises an error because the class was not found.
Determine what to do in these cases. E.g. the class might exist as part of an application in the library, or the extension could be omitted (and properly logged).
I found this while trying to load
from issue #12.