instantiations / tonel-vast

Tonel file format writer and reader implementation for VA Smalltalk
MIT License
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Provide a way to also export required maps #72

Open marianopeck opened 3 years ago

marianopeck commented 3 years ago

Right now, there is no API to export all required maps of the specified maps to export. Read internal case 67852 for more details

marianopeck commented 3 years ago

Here is a way to do it from outside (without an internal provided API):

| writer path maps allMaps |
path := (CfsPath named: '.').
writer := TonelWriter new.
maps := #('Map1' 'Map2').
writer addConfigurationMaps: (maps collect: [:each |  (EmConfigurationMap editionsFor: each) first withAllPossibleRequiredMaps ]) flattened asSet.
writer addApplicationsFromConfigurationMaps.
writer writeProjectInto: path.
marianopeck commented 2 years ago

There is also a forum post about this topic. And I do agree that using the existing "Export all required maps" to also control tonel export, makes sense.