Open branaust opened 1 year ago
I've added a border radius to my Menu. I can't however override the touchable styles to match the border radius of the menu. As you can see in the video provided, the opacity on the touchable is overflowing the menu itself and provides a poor UI.
import React, { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import { Menu, MenuOptions, MenuOption, MenuTrigger } from 'react-native-popup-menu'; import Button from '../Button'; import { useTheme } from 'styled-components/native'; import Typography, { TypographyColorProps } from '../Typography'; import styled from 'styled-components/native'; import InfoSvg from '../../assets/svg/InfoSvg'; import { borderRadius } from 'styled-system'; import { Pressable } from 'react-native'; const SetTypeMenu = ({ defaultSetType, backgroundColor }) => { const [setType, setSetType] = useState(defaultSetType); const theme = useTheme(); const setTypeLabel = useMemo((): { color: TypographyColorProps; label: string } => { switch (setType) { case 'warmup': return { color: theme.colors.yellow, label: 'W' }; case 'dropset': return { color: theme.colors.purple, label: 'D' }; case 'failure': return { color: theme.colors.error, label: 'F' }; case 'working': return { color: theme.colors.raisinBlack, label: '1' }; } }, [setType]); const updateSetType = useCallback((type) => { setSetType(type); }, []); return ( <Menu onSelect={(val) => updateSetType(val)}> <MenuTrigger text={setTypeLabel.label} customStyles={{ triggerWrapper: { backgroundColor: backgroundColor, width: 35, height: 25, borderRadius: 8, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }, triggerText: { fontWeight: '800', fontSize: 16, color: setTypeLabel.color, }, triggerTouchable: { underlayColor: 'none', activeOpacity: 0.7, style: { flex: 1, }, }, triggerOuterWrapper: { backgroundColor: 'none', }, }} /> <MenuOptions optionsContainerStyle={{ borderRadius: 12, backgroundColor: theme.colors.backgroundOpacity1, top: 20, shadowRadius: 50, elevation: 0, shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 0 }, }}> <MenuOption value="warmup"> <MenuOptionWrap> <RightWrap> <Typography bold color="yellow" textStyle={{ paddingRight: 12, width: 30 }} variant="body"> W </Typography> <Typography color="raisinBlackToWhite" textStyle={{ fontWeight: '500' }} variant="body"> Warm-up </Typography> </RightWrap> <Button icon={<InfoSvg color={theme.colors.primary} />} onPress={() => {}} variant="transparent" /> </MenuOptionWrap> </MenuOption> <Divider /> <MenuOption value="dropset"> <MenuOptionWrap> <RightWrap> <Typography bold color="purple" textStyle={{ paddingRight: 12, width: 30 }} variant="body"> D </Typography> <Typography color="raisinBlackToWhite" textStyle={{ fontWeight: '500' }} variant="body"> Dropset </Typography> </RightWrap> <Button icon={<InfoSvg color={theme.colors.primary} />} onPress={() => {}} variant="transparent" /> </MenuOptionWrap> </MenuOption> <Divider /> <MenuOption value="failure"> <MenuOptionWrap> <RightWrap> <Typography bold color="error" textStyle={{ paddingRight: 12, width: 30 }} variant="body"> F </Typography> <Typography color="raisinBlackToWhite" textStyle={{ fontWeight: '500' }} variant="body"> Failure </Typography> </RightWrap> <Button icon={<InfoSvg color={theme.colors.primary} />} onPress={() => {}} variant="transparent" /> </MenuOptionWrap> </MenuOption> </MenuOptions> </Menu> ); }; const MenuOptionWrap = styled.View` flex-direction: row; padding-vertical: 6px; padding-horizontal: 10px; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; `; const RightWrap = styled.View` flex-direction: row; `; const Divider = styled.View` background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.colors.light3}; width: 100%; height: 0.4px; `; export default SetTypeMenu;
The same issue here
have you checked ?
I've added a border radius to my Menu. I can't however override the touchable styles to match the border radius of the menu. As you can see in the video provided, the opacity on the touchable is overflowing the menu itself and provides a poor UI.