instedd / surveda

InSTEDD Surveda
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 6 forks source link

Archive Project fails from the Settings page #2333

Open matiasgarciaisaia opened 5 months ago

matiasgarciaisaia commented 5 months ago

Steps to reproduce

1 - Create a project 2 - Navigate to its Settings 3 - Click Archive project

The project should now be archived. Instead, Surveda throws an error in the UI with a meaningless explanation:

Error report showing a JavaScript stacktrace

Firefox's Console says there's an undefined function dispatch or something:

TypeError: dispatch is not a function
error { target: Window, isTrusted: true, message: "TypeError: dispatch is not a function", filename: "", lineno: 314503, colno: 15, error: TypeError, srcElement: Window, eventPhase: 0, bubbles: true, … }
bubbles: true
cancelBubble: false
cancelable: true
colno: 15
composed: false
currentTarget: null
defaultPrevented: true
error: TypeError: dispatch is not a function
eventPhase: 0
filename: ""
isTrusted: true
lineno: 314503
message: "TypeError: dispatch is not a function"
originalTarget: Window
returnValue: false
srcElement: Window
target: Window
timeStamp: 12669
type: "error"
: function isTrusted()
: ErrorEventPrototype { message: Getter, filename: Getter, lineno: Getter, … }

Happens both in development (012c741dd8ba0022eeab2e4b47a96dba105c3460) as in production (0.37.2).