instinct / GameFroot

GameFroot iOS and Bundlenator
5 stars 0 forks source link

Robot scripting bug #304

Closed thornyd closed 12 years ago

thornyd commented 12 years ago

Here's a robot I tried to make where it accelerates towards the player based on the value of the distance between the player and the robot. Here's the source code and the before and after screenshots.

{ "robot": "0.9", "properties": { "displayName": "Unnamed Robot", "description": "Describe your robot here.", "health": "100", "maxhealth": "100", "immortal": true, "solid": false, "physics": false, "name": "Unnamed-Robot" }, "behavior": [ { "event": "onSpawn", "eventsheet": { "position": { "top": 76, "left": 125 } }, "commands": [ { "action": "messageSelf", "message": "facing" } ] }, { "event": "onSpawn", "eventsheet": { "position": { "top": 79, "left": 530 } }, "commands": [ { "action": "messageSelf", "message": "y axis" } ] }, { "event": "onMessage", "eventsheet": { "position": { "top": 269, "left": 96 } }, "commands": [ { "action": "ifElse", "condition": { "token": "opGreaterThan", "operand1": { "token": "coordinateXOfNode", "node": { "token": "thisLocation" } }, "operand2": { "token": "coordinateXOfNode", "node": { "token": "locationOfInstance", "instance": { "token": "player" } } } }, "onTrue": [ { "action": "changeXvelocity", "delta": { "token": "opMultiplication", "operand1": null, "operand2": { "token": "distanceToInstance", "instance": { "token": "player" }, "location": { "token": "thisLocation" } } } } ], "onFalse": [ { "action": "changeXvelocity", "delta": { "token": "distanceToInstance", "instance": { "token": "player" }, "location": { "token": "thisLocation" } } } ] }, { "action": "faceObject", "objinstance": { "token": "player" } }, { "action": "messageSelfAfterDelay", "message": "facing", "delay": 100 } ], "messageName": "facing" }, { "event": "onMessage", "eventsheet": { "position": { "top": 274, "left": 609 } }, "commands": [ { "action": "ifElse", "condition": { "token": "opGreaterThan", "operand1": { "token": "coordinateYOfNode", "node": { "token": "thisLocation" } }, "operand2": { "token": "coordinateYOfNode", "node": { "token": "locationOfInstance", "instance": { "token": "player" } } } }, "onTrue": [ { "action": "changeYvelocity", "delta": { "token": "opMultiplication", "operand1": null, "operand2": { "token": "distanceToInstance", "instance": { "token": "player" }, "location": { "token": "thisLocation" } } } } ], "onFalse": [ { "action": "changeYvelocity", "delta": { "token": "distanceToInstance", "instance": { "token": "player" }, "location": { "token": "thisLocation" } } } ] }, { "action": "messageSelfAfterDelay", "message": "y axis", "delay": 100 } ], "messageName": "y axis" }, { "event": "onOutShot", "__eventsheet": { "position": { "top": 105, "left": 826 } }, "commands": [ { "action": "setXvelocity", "velocity": 1 }, { "action": "setYvelocity", "velocity": 1 } ] } ], "variables": {}, "kinds": {} }