institut-de-genomique / BoardION

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error in readme #1

Closed gerald2545 closed 4 years ago

gerald2545 commented 4 years ago

the line docker run -it -p 80:80 -v input/folder/:/usr/local/src/data:z -v stat/folder/:/usr/local/src/stat:z boardion:latest -d 600 -f 5 -p 80 should be docker run -it -p 80:80 -v input/folder/:/usr/local/src/data:z -v stat/folder/:/usr/local/src/stat:z **rdbioseq/**boardion:latest -d 600 -f 5 -p 80

otherwise the following error raises : Unable to find image 'boardion:latest' locally

Actal commented 4 years ago

Thanks it's corrected.