institut-de-genomique / BoardION

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cannot access Run/Sequencing overview menus due to javascript error #5

Closed gerald2545 closed 4 years ago

gerald2545 commented 4 years ago

I compiled the preproccessing script in the container, generated the stats files...but no luck, I can't access them... something I'm doing wrong?


Actal commented 4 years ago

On your image, the application is grayed out, this means that the application does not work anymore, hence its inaccessibility. How did you execute it?

gerald2545 commented 4 years ago

I followed the readme :
docker run -it -p 80:80 -v C:\temp\boulot\boardion\input:/usr/local/src/data:z -v C:\temp\boulot\boardion\stat:/usr/local/src/stat:z rdbioseq/boardion -d 600 -f 5 -p 80

the application is grayed out as soon as I access it on localhost

Actal commented 4 years ago

can you add this option and tell me if there are any errors inside the logs/folder -v /logs/folder:/usr/local/src/logs/:z

gerald2545 commented 4 years ago

there is only the preprocess.log file if it's easier, I can share my screen with you. Tell me if it would be OK for you and if you have some time this afternoon

Actal commented 4 years ago

I have fix it in the last version, could you confirm?

gerald2545 commented 4 years ago

thanks, OK I download it now

gerald2545 commented 4 years ago

OK, I confirm the bug is corrected (if only one run is present in stat folder, and this run is not completed) with the last version