institut-galilee / Lab-One

Through this lab, you will be able to setup a complete cross-compiling environment on your personal laptop
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Flashing Issue -[Error 13] could not open the port /dev/ttyUSB0 #10

Open adlaneKadri opened 5 years ago

adlaneKadri commented 5 years ago


when we issue this command make flash , and we end up with two errors that are (error 13 and error 2) as shown in the picture below, capture d ecran de 2019-01-29 22-15-25


you just have to change the access mode to the port, using the following command sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0

HamidiMassinissa commented 5 years ago

Just to be sure, are you a member of dialout group?

adlaneKadri commented 5 years ago

To check that out, I ran the commands mentioned below, and the result is the following: capture d ecran de 2019-01-29 22-47-19