Closed Cruiser13 closed 8 years ago
hmm.... the importer doesn't take care of validation, because this is done by pimcore. Could you please provider more information? eg. Class Export and CSV?
Looks like the issue is deeper within. CSV seems to need enclosure character which our CSV does not include:
It fails at Warning: fgetcsv(): enclosure must be a character in pimcore\plugins\ImportDefinitions\lib\ImportDefinitions\Model\Provider\Csv.php on line 149
So that does probably mess up the fields which does lead to the error above. Postal is filled with a wrong value I think.
thats fixed, could you please try it again?
Thanks, I investigated further. Fixing the error by reformating CSV does not fix the error above. Postal field does still seem to be an issue.
My current CSV:
My Importer settings are looking like this:
Postal is not set (because not provided by CSV). Might be a pimcore issue with min value.
Removing min and max value from the postal field does fix the issue. All other non-mandatory fields are being ignored properly. Looks like this is a pimcore issue with mandatory vs minimum values and not a plugin issue here. I'll push this to the main repository.
I'm trying to import a CSV as objects using the importer. One of the object fields is missing in the CSV. It's a number field with the following settings:
{ "fieldtype":"numeric", "width":"", "defaultValue":null, "queryColumnType":"double", "columnType":"double", "phpdocType":"float", "integer":true, "unsigned":true, "minValue":1, "maxValue":99999, "decimalPrecision":null, "name":"postal", "title":"Postleitzahl", "tooltip":"", "mandatory":false, "noteditable":false, "index":false, "locked":false, "style":"", "permissions":null, "datatype":"data", "relationType":false, "invisible":false, "visibleGridView":false, "visibleSearch":false },
Importer error message is "[Pimcore\Model\Element\ValidationException] Value in field [ postal ] is not at least 1 fieldname=postal".
The error itself is correct but I believe it should still import the data because the field postal is not mandatory and does not even exist in CSV.