I think install (in the Pimcore GUI) could send a nicer message than "true" (like: "Installation has been done").
There is no uninstall script, actually it just send "true" popin but do nothning.
Maybe it could send a nice message, and make some clean up. From what i have understand it could be:
delete the table importdefinitions_log
delete the file /var/config/importdefintions.php
delete the directory /plugins/ImportDefinitions
By the way, maybe prefix the table name with "plugins_" (so it will be plugins_importdefinitions_log) could be better (it seems to be the Pimcore way good pratice, and will ensure no collision later on future Pimcore updates wich use the same name).
i was thinking uninstall mean deleting the files in plugin folder, but if usually it is left so yes it is better to not delete it
or table name ok, as it can involve some backward compatibility problem (or you have to make a post update script). But usualy i prefer to have table prefixed with plugins (some of the pimcore team are made like this) so wehn you are looking table on the database you know it is a table from plugin and not from the core pimcore.
I think install (in the Pimcore GUI) could send a nicer message than "true" (like: "Installation has been done").
There is no uninstall script, actually it just send "true" popin but do nothning. Maybe it could send a nice message, and make some clean up. From what i have understand it could be:
By the way, maybe prefix the table name with "plugins_" (so it will be
) could be better (it seems to be the Pimcore way good pratice, and will ensure no collision later on future Pimcore updates wich use the same name).Thanks!