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Staff a team of folks to do social monitoring for feedback/comments online #62

Closed joesepi closed 5 months ago

jjasghar commented 5 months ago

Those three are a good start in looking for these types of posts.

jeremyeder commented 5 months ago


jeremyeder commented 5 months ago


caradelia commented 5 months ago

@joesepi thinking we should change the label to launch critical so that it is in place for when we are live. Thoughts?

lhawthorn commented 5 months ago

Yes, this is 100% launch critical. Let me figure out who would staff such a thing and where we would do coordinating of responses.

nathan-weinberg commented 5 months ago

Would this be something done by IBM, Red Hat, Community members, or some combination of the three?

lhawthorn commented 5 months ago

My current thinking is that this would be done by:

  1. yours truly, @lhawthorn
  2. @caradelia
  3. @cybette
  4. @jjasghar
  5. @joesepi
  6. @mmcelaney
  7. @bradtopol
  8. @mairin
  9. @jeremyeder

I also believe we have a number of engineers on the ground in the Boston office who would be happy to help us with this work, but would need to talk to @mairin to get a better sense of that.

I also believe that we should be discussing how we respond to stuff in the workspace and coordinate there and frankly it's fine with me if non-maintainers follow along with that discussion. Other folks may think differently than I do.

I would welcome feedback on my POV above.

nathan-weinberg commented 5 months ago

I will say while I'm sure Boston engineering folks (myself included) would be happy to help contribute to public Slack comments, I'm not sure how much time the team will have for monitoring social media. However I don't want to speak for others, just how I feel personally.

cybette commented 5 months ago

I can check with RH social media team if they have some tools in place for monitoring (I'm sure at least for X and LinkedIn). I also spend time on social for Ansible (reddit, mastodon etc.) and it can be a continuation of part of my responsibilities.

lhawthorn commented 5 months ago

Red Hat's corporate communications team will be monitoring social channels so there is no need for a separate team to be scouring the interwebs for mentions of InstructLab. They will also work on any needed responses. Closing this issue.