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Support a diverse set of taxonomy communities #27

Open JohnStrunk opened 3 months ago

JohnStrunk commented 3 months ago

While is meant to be an open community to collect a diverse set of skills, there is a need to support specialized taxonomies as well.

For example, there may be a community of Pokemon enthusiasts that want to ensure LLMs are good at answering questions relevant to their particular niche. Even with a broad set of maintainers in the current taxonomy repo, it would be unrealistic to expect representation from every such group. Likewise, the uses of LLMs are rather broad, and what may be useful knowledge for an LLM deployed on a gaming focused site would be different than that of general IBM or Red Hat customers.

As a solution to this, I propose that the code and supporting community be structured such that:

JohnStrunk commented 3 months ago

cc: @lhawthorn

lhawthorn commented 3 months ago

This feature request should be considered by the development team. Adding @joesepi to ask for his help in getting it into their review queue.

lhawthorn commented 2 months ago

I don't know how to make this an enhancement request. Asking @russellb if he can move this to the right location.

russellb commented 2 months ago

I don't know how to make this an enhancement request. Asking @russellb if he can move this to the right location.

moved to the enhancements repo