instructure / analytics

The official analytics package for Instructure's Canvas LMS.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
35 stars 32 forks source link

Current analytics master does not build against canvas-lms stable branch #2

Closed grahamb closed 8 years ago

grahamb commented 9 years ago

The current instructure/analytics master branch (083564c17706b2fc432e7f9fed0a13e04f1eedcb) does not build in the current canvas-lms stable branch (a95b729ac6a4ec112a8916abca50129aaf54f455). bundle exec rake canvas:compile_assets fails with the following:

Client app 'canvas_quizzes' was built successfully.
--> Compiling React JSX
--> Generating plugin extensions
--> Creating ember app bundles
--> Pre-compiling handlebars templates
--> Generating plugin extensions finished in 0.091147258
--> Pre-compiling ember handlebars templates
--> Creating ember app bundles finished in 0.30907965
--> Compiling CoffeeScript with 'coffee' binary
--> Compiling React JSX finished in 3.039696248
--> Pre-compiling ember handlebars templates finished in 4.927348386
--> Pre-compiling handlebars templates finished in 13.946898127
--> Compiling CoffeeScript finished in 21.625334521
--> Finished: 'js:generate' in 84.240054375
--> Starting: 'i18n:generate_js'

key as scope on line 39: "student_921b864d"

Finished in 10.765 seconds

2173 files, 4339 strings, 1 failures
Error extracting JS translations; confirm that `./gems/canvas_i18nliner/bin/i18nliner generate_js` works
rake aborted!
Undumpable Exception -- #<SystemExit: exit>
/tmp/canvas-lms/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/parallel-0.5.16/lib/parallel.rb:173:in `work_in_processes'
/tmp/canvas-lms/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/parallel-0.5.16/lib/parallel.rb:55:in `map'
/tmp/canvas-lms/lib/tasks/canvas.rake:167:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
/tmp/canvas-lms/lib/tasks/canvas.rake:166:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => canvas:compile_assets
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Apparently, this is due to the last commit on analytics (083564c17706b2fc432e7f9fed0a13e04f1eedcb), which only works with canvas-lms master (possibly commit 424da0643c4b244824c0303ddf1eb1c27ea5e0a5).

The "fix" is apparently to check out analytics one commit behind.

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