instructure / canvas-lms

The open LMS by Instructure, Inc.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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DB migrate error #1783

Open amg-web opened 3 years ago

amg-web commented 3 years ago

Can not migrate DB after upload of old Canvas version DB backup.

Need help with data migration.

  1. Fresh Canvas Installed with Ruby 2.6
  2. DB restored from backup made on older Canvas vesion (Feb 2020)
  3. RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate:predeploy
  4. RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake canvas:compile_assets
  5. RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate stops with error:
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/soap4r-ruby1.9-2.0.5/lib/soap/mapping/encodedregistry.rb:150: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/soap4r-ruby1.9-2.0.5/lib/soap/mapping/encodedregistry.rb:216: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated
1: production:public
==  SplitUpUserPreferences: migrating =========================================
-- n_strand()
rake aborted!
StandardError: An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:

undefined method `n_strand' for #<SplitUpUserPreferences:0x00005617305b9080>
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block in method_missing'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block in say_with_time'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `say_with_time'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `method_missing'
/home/canvas/public_html/db/migrate/20200211143240_split_up_user_preferences.rb:8:in `block in up'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/switchman/active_record/relation.rb:93:in `find_ids_in_ranges'
/home/canvas/public_html/config/initializers/active_record.rb:30:in `find_ids_in_ranges'
/home/canvas/public_html/db/migrate/20200211143240_split_up_user_preferences.rb:6:in `up'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `exec_migration'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block (2 levels) in migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block in migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `with_connection'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/switchman/connection_pool_proxy.rb:15:in `with_connection'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-inst-jobs-3.1.0/lib/switchman_inst_jobs/active_record/migration.rb:16:in `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block in execute_migration_in_transaction'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `ddl_transaction'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `execute_migration_in_transaction'
/home/canvas/public_html/config/initializers/active_record.rb:1462:in `execute_migration_in_transaction'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block in migrate_without_lock'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `each'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate_without_lock'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block in migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `with_advisory_lock'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `up'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:87:in `block (6 levels) in shardify_task'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:87:in `each'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:87:in `block (5 levels) in shardify_task'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/switchman/database_server.rb:109:in `unguard'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:86:in `block (4 levels) in shardify_task'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/app/models/switchman/shard.rb:378:in `block (2 levels) in with_each_shard'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/app/models/switchman/shard.rb:630:in `block in activate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/app/models/switchman/shard.rb:98:in `activate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/app/models/switchman/shard.rb:629:in `activate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/app/models/switchman/shard.rb:376:in `block in with_each_shard'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `each'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `each'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/app/models/switchman/shard.rb:372:in `with_each_shard'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:71:in `block (3 levels) in shardify_task'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/switchman/database_server.rb:109:in `unguard'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:68:in `block (2 levels) in shardify_task'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/switchman/guard_rail.rb:24:in `activate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-inst-jobs-3.1.0/lib/switchman_inst_jobs/guard_rail.rb:8:in `activate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:67:in `block in shardify_task'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/rake-13.0.1/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'

Caused by:
NoMethodError: undefined method `n_strand' for #<SplitUpUserPreferences:0x00005617305b9080>
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block in method_missing'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block in say_with_time'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `say_with_time'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `method_missing'
/home/canvas/public_html/db/migrate/20200211143240_split_up_user_preferences.rb:8:in `block in up'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/switchman/active_record/relation.rb:93:in `find_ids_in_ranges'
/home/canvas/public_html/config/initializers/active_record.rb:30:in `find_ids_in_ranges'
/home/canvas/public_html/db/migrate/20200211143240_split_up_user_preferences.rb:6:in `up'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `exec_migration'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block (2 levels) in migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block in migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `with_connection'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/switchman/connection_pool_proxy.rb:15:in `with_connection'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-inst-jobs-3.1.0/lib/switchman_inst_jobs/active_record/migration.rb:16:in `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block in execute_migration_in_transaction'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `ddl_transaction'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `execute_migration_in_transaction'
/home/canvas/public_html/config/initializers/active_record.rb:1462:in `execute_migration_in_transaction'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block in migrate_without_lock'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `each'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate_without_lock'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block in migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `with_advisory_lock'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `up'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `migrate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:87:in `block (6 levels) in shardify_task'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:87:in `each'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:87:in `block (5 levels) in shardify_task'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/switchman/database_server.rb:109:in `unguard'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:86:in `block (4 levels) in shardify_task'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/app/models/switchman/shard.rb:378:in `block (2 levels) in with_each_shard'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/app/models/switchman/shard.rb:630:in `block in activate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/app/models/switchman/shard.rb:98:in `activate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/app/models/switchman/shard.rb:629:in `activate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/app/models/switchman/shard.rb:376:in `block in with_each_shard'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `each'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `each'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/app/models/switchman/shard.rb:372:in `with_each_shard'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:71:in `block (3 levels) in shardify_task'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/switchman/database_server.rb:109:in `unguard'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:68:in `block (2 levels) in shardify_task'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/switchman/guard_rail.rb:24:in `activate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-inst-jobs-3.1.0/lib/switchman_inst_jobs/guard_rail.rb:8:in `activate'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/switchman-2.0.2/lib/tasks/switchman.rake:67:in `block in shardify_task'
/home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/rake-13.0.1/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => db:migrate
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
amg-web commented 3 years ago

$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate:status /home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/soap4r-ruby1.9-2.0.5/lib/soap/mapping/encodedregistry.rb:150: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated /home/canvas/public_html/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/soap4r-ruby1.9-2.0.5/lib/soap/mapping/encodedregistry.rb:216: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated

database: canvas_pro

Status Migration ID Migration Name

up 20101201000008 ** NO FILE ** up 20101201000015 ** NO FILE ** up 20101201000034 Validate migration integrity up 20101210192618 Init canvas db up 20101216224513 Create delayed jobs up 20120402054554 ** NO FILE ** up 20120402054921 ** NO FILE ** up 20120404151043 ** NO FILE ** up 20120404230916 ** NO FILE ** up 20120417133444 ** NO FILE ** up 20120422213535 ** NO FILE ** up 20120425161928 ** NO FILE ** up 20120425180934 ** NO FILE ** up 20120425201730 ** NO FILE ** up 20120427162634 ** NO FILE ** up 20120430164933 ** NO FILE ** up 20120501160019 ** NO FILE ** up 20120501213908 ** NO FILE ** up 20120502144730 ** NO FILE ** up 20120502190901 ** NO FILE ** up 20120502212620 ** NO FILE ** up 20120505003400 ** NO FILE ** up 20120510004759 ** NO FILE ** up 20120511173314 ** NO FILE ** up 20120514215405 ** NO FILE ** up 20120515055355 ** NO FILE ** up 20120516152445 ** NO FILE ** up 20120516185217 ** NO FILE ** up 20120517150920 ** NO FILE ** up 20120517222224 ** NO FILE ** up 20120518154752 ** NO FILE ** up 20120518160716 ** NO FILE ** up 20120518212446 ** NO FILE ** up 20120522145514 ** NO FILE ** up 20120522163145 ** NO FILE ** up 20120523145010 ** NO FILE ** up 20120523153500 ** NO FILE ** up 20120525174337 ** NO FILE ** up 20120530201701 ** NO FILE ** up 20120530213835 ** NO FILE ** up 20120531150712 ** NO FILE ** up 20120531183543 ** NO FILE ** up 20120531221324 ** NO FILE ** up 20120601195648 ** NO FILE ** up 20120603222842 ** NO FILE ** up 20120604223644 ** NO FILE ** up 20120607164022 ** NO FILE ** up 20120607181141 ** NO FILE ** up 20120607195540 ** NO FILE ** up 20120608165313 ** NO FILE ** up 20120608191051 ** NO FILE ** up 20120613214030 ** NO FILE ** up 20120615012036 ** NO FILE ** up 20120619203203 ** NO FILE ** up 20120619203536 ** NO FILE ** up 20120620171523 ** NO FILE ** up 20120620184804 ** NO FILE ** up 20120620185247 ** NO FILE ** up 20120620190441 ** NO FILE ** up 20120621214317 ** NO FILE ** up 20120626174816 ** NO FILE ** up 20120629215700 ** NO FILE ** up 20120630213457 ** NO FILE ** up 20120702185313 ** NO FILE ** up 20120702212634 ** NO FILE ** up 20120705144244 ** NO FILE ** up 20120709180215 ** NO FILE ** up 20120710190752 ** NO FILE ** up 20120711214917 ** NO FILE ** up 20120711215013 ** NO FILE ** up 20120716204625 ** NO FILE ** up 20120717140514 ** NO FILE ** up 20120717140515 ** NO FILE ** up 20120717202155 ** NO FILE ** up 20120718161934 ** NO FILE ** up 20120723201110 ** NO FILE ** up 20120723201410 ** NO FILE ** up 20120723201957 ** NO FILE ** up 20120724172904 ** NO FILE ** up 20120727145852 ** NO FILE ** up 20120802163230 ** NO FILE ** up 20120802204119 ** NO FILE ** up 20120810212309 ** NO FILE ** up 20120813165554 ** NO FILE ** up 20120814205244 ** NO FILE ** up 20120817191623 ** NO FILE ** up 20120820141609 ** NO FILE ** up 20120820215005 ** NO FILE ** up 20120917230202 ** NO FILE ** up 20120918220940 ** NO FILE ** up 20120920154904 ** NO FILE ** up 20120921155127 ** NO FILE ** up 20120921203351 ** NO FILE ** up 20120924171046 ** NO FILE ** up 20120924181235 ** NO FILE ** up 20120924205209 ** NO FILE ** up 20120927184213 ** NO FILE ** up 20121001190034 ** NO FILE ** up 20121003200645 ** NO FILE ** down 20121010191027 Add cassandra page view tables up 20121016230032 ** NO FILE ** up 20121017124430 ** NO FILE ** up 20121017165813 ** NO FILE ** up 20121017165823 ** NO FILE ** up 20121018205505 ** NO FILE ** up 20121019185800 ** NO FILE ** up 20121029182508 ** NO FILE ** up 20121029214423 ** NO FILE ** up 20121112230145 ** NO FILE ** up 20121113002813 ** NO FILE ** up 20121115205740 ** NO FILE ** up 20121115210333 ** NO FILE ** up 20121115220718 ** NO FILE ** up 20121119201743 ** NO FILE ** up 20121120180117 ** NO FILE ** up 20121126224708 ** NO FILE ** up 20121127174920 ** NO FILE ** up 20121127212421 ** NO FILE ** up 20121129175438 ** NO FILE ** up 20121129230914 ** NO FILE ** up 20121206040918 ** NO FILE ** up 20121206201052 ** NO FILE ** up 20121207193355 ** NO FILE ** up 20121210154140 ** NO FILE ** up 20121212050526 ** NO FILE ** up 20121218215625 ** NO FILE ** up 20121228182649 ** NO FILE ** up 20130103191206 ** NO FILE ** up 20130110212740 ** NO FILE ** up 20130114214157 ** NO FILE ** up 20130114214749 ** NO FILE ** up 20130114215024 ** NO FILE ** up 20130115163556 ** NO FILE ** up 20130118000423 ** NO FILE ** up 20130118162201 ** NO FILE ** up 20130121212107 ** NO FILE ** up 20130121212340 ** NO FILE ** up 20130122193536 ** NO FILE ** up 20130123035558 ** NO FILE ** up 20130124203149 ** NO FILE ** up 20130125234216 ** NO FILE ** up 20130128192930 ** NO FILE ** up 20130128220410 ** NO FILE ** up 20130128221236 ** NO FILE ** up 20130128221237 ** NO FILE ** up 20130130195248 ** NO FILE ** up 20130130202130 ** NO FILE ** up 20130130203358 ** NO FILE ** up 20130215164701 ** NO FILE ** up 20130220000433 ** NO FILE ** up 20130221052614 ** NO FILE ** up 20130226233029 ** NO FILE ** up 20130227205659 ** NO FILE ** up 20130307214055 ** NO FILE ** up 20130310212252 ** NO FILE ** up 20130310213118 ** NO FILE ** up 20130312024749 ** NO FILE ** up 20130312231026 ** NO FILE ** up 20130313141722 ** NO FILE ** up 20130313162706 ** NO FILE ** up 20130319120204 ** NO FILE ** up 20130320190243 ** NO FILE ** up 20130325204913 ** NO FILE ** up 20130326210659 ** NO FILE ** up 20130401031740 ** NO FILE ** up 20130401032003 ** NO FILE ** up 20130405213030 ** NO FILE ** up 20130411031858 ** NO FILE ** up 20130416170936 ** NO FILE ** up 20130416190214 ** NO FILE ** up 20130417153307 ** NO FILE ** up 20130419193229 ** NO FILE ** up 20130422191502 ** NO FILE ** up 20130422205650 ** NO FILE ** up 20130423162205 ** NO FILE ** up 20130425230856 ** NO FILE ** up 20130429190927 ** NO FILE ** up 20130429201937 ** NO FILE ** up 20130430215057 ** NO FILE ** up 20130502200753 ** NO FILE ** up 20130506191104 ** NO FILE ** up 20130508214241 ** NO FILE ** up 20130509173346 ** NO FILE ** up 20130511131825 ** NO FILE ** up 20130516174336 ** NO FILE ** up 20130516204101 ** NO FILE ** up 20130516205837 ** NO FILE ** up 20130520205654 ** NO FILE ** up 20130521161315 ** NO FILE ** up 20130521163706 ** NO FILE ** up 20130521181413 ** NO FILE ** up 20130521223335 ** NO FILE ** up 20130523162832 ** NO FILE ** up 20130524164516 ** NO FILE ** up 20130528204902 ** NO FILE ** up 20130531135600 ** NO FILE ** up 20130531140200 ** NO FILE ** up 20130603181545 ** NO FILE ** up 20130603211207 ** NO FILE ** up 20130603213307 ** NO FILE ** up 20130604174602 ** NO FILE ** up 20130605211012 ** NO FILE ** up 20130606170923 ** NO FILE ** up 20130606170924 ** NO FILE ** up 20130610174505 ** NO FILE ** up 20130610204053 ** NO FILE ** up 20130611194212 ** NO FILE ** up 20130612201431 ** NO FILE ** up 20130613174529 ** NO FILE ** up 20130617152008 ** NO FILE ** up 20130620041526 ** NO FILE ** up 20130624174549 ** NO FILE ** up 20130624174615 ** NO FILE ** up 20130626220656 ** NO FILE ** down 20130627140642 Add authentication auditor tables up 20130628215434 ** NO FILE ** up 20130701160407 ** NO FILE ** up 20130701160408 ** NO FILE ** up 20130701193624 ** NO FILE ** up 20130701210202 ** NO FILE ** up 20130702104734 ** NO FILE ** up 20130703165456 ** NO FILE ** up 20130708201319 ** NO FILE ** up 20130712230314 ** NO FILE ** up 20130719192808 ** NO FILE ** up 20130724222101 ** NO FILE ** up 20130726205640 ** NO FILE ** up 20130726230550 ** NO FILE ** up 20130730162545 ** NO FILE ** up 20130730163939 ** NO FILE ** up 20130730164252 ** NO FILE ** up 20130802164854 ** NO FILE ** up 20130807165221 ** NO FILE ** up 20130807194322 ** NO FILE ** up 20130813195331 ** NO FILE ** up 20130813195454 ** NO FILE ** up 20130816182601 ** NO FILE ** up 20130820202205 ** NO FILE ** up 20130820210303 ** NO FILE ** up 20130820210746 ** NO FILE ** up 20130822214514 ** NO FILE ** up 20130823204503 ** NO FILE ** up 20130826215926 ** NO FILE ** up 20130828191910 ** NO FILE ** up 20130905190311 ** NO FILE ** up 20130911191937 ** NO FILE ** up 20130916174630 ** NO FILE ** up 20130916192409 ** NO FILE ** up 20130917194106 ** NO FILE ** up 20130917194107 ** NO FILE ** up 20130918193333 ** NO FILE ** up 20130924153118 ** NO FILE ** up 20130924163929 ** NO FILE ** up 20131001193112 ** NO FILE ** up 20131003195758 ** NO FILE ** up 20131003202023 ** NO FILE ** up 20131003221953 ** NO FILE ** up 20131003222037 ** NO FILE ** up 20131014185902 ** NO FILE ** up 20131022192816 ** NO FILE ** up 20131023154151 ** NO FILE ** up 20131023205614 ** NO FILE ** up 20131023221034 ** NO FILE ** up 20131025153323 ** NO FILE ** up 20131105175802 ** NO FILE ** up 20131105230615 ** NO FILE ** up 20131105232029 ** NO FILE ** up 20131105234428 ** NO FILE ** up 20131106161158 ** NO FILE ** up 20131106171153 ** NO FILE ** up 20131111221538 ** NO FILE ** up 20131111224434 ** NO FILE ** up 20131112184904 ** NO FILE ** up 20131115165908 ** NO FILE ** up 20131115221720 ** NO FILE ** up 20131202173569 ** NO FILE ** up 20131205162354 ** NO FILE ** up 20131206221858 ** NO FILE ** up 20131216190859 ** NO FILE ** up 20131224010801 ** NO FILE ** up 20131230182437 ** NO FILE ** up 20131230213011 ** NO FILE ** up 20131231182558 ** NO FILE ** up 20131231182559 ** NO FILE ** up 20131231194442 ** NO FILE ** up 20140110201409 ** NO FILE ** up 20140115230951 ** NO FILE ** up 20140116220413 ** NO FILE ** up 20140117195133 ** NO FILE ** up 20140120201847 ** NO FILE ** up 20140124163739 ** NO FILE ** up 20140124173117 ** NO FILE ** up 20140127203558 ** NO FILE ** up 20140127204017 ** NO FILE ** up 20140128205246 ** NO FILE ** up 20140131163737 ** NO FILE ** up 20140131164925 ** NO FILE ** up 20140131231659 ** NO FILE ** up 20140204180348 ** NO FILE ** up 20140204235601 ** NO FILE ** up 20140205171002 Create default shardswitchman up 20140206203334 ** NO FILE ** up 20140224212704 ** NO FILE ** up 20140227171812 ** NO FILE ** up 20140228201739 ** NO FILE ** up 20140303160957 ** NO FILE ** up 20140311223045 ** NO FILE ** up 20140312232054 ** NO FILE ** up 20140314220629 ** NO FILE ** up 20140318150809 ** NO FILE ** up 20140319223606 ** NO FILE ** up 20140322132112 ** NO FILE ** up 20140401224701 ** NO FILE ** up 20140402204820 ** NO FILE ** up 20140403213959 ** NO FILE ** up 20140404162351 ** NO FILE ** up 20140410164417 ** NO FILE ** up 20140414230423 ** NO FILE ** up 20140417143325 ** NO FILE ** up 20140417220141 ** NO FILE ** up 20140418210000 ** NO FILE ** up 20140418211204 ** NO FILE ** up 20140423003242 ** NO FILE ** up 20140423034044 ** NO FILE ** up 20140428182624 ** NO FILE ** up 20140505211339 ** NO FILE ** up 20140505215131 ** NO FILE ** up 20140505215510 ** NO FILE ** up 20140505223637 ** NO FILE ** up 20140506200812 ** NO FILE ** up 20140507204231 ** NO FILE ** up 20140509161648 ** NO FILE ** up 20140512180015 ** NO FILE ** up 20140512213941 ** NO FILE ** up 20140515163333 ** NO FILE ** up 20140516160845 ** NO FILE ** up 20140516215613 ** NO FILE ** up 20140519163623 ** NO FILE ** up 20140519221522 ** NO FILE ** up 20140519221523 ** NO FILE ** up 20140520152745 ** NO FILE ** up 20140521183128 ** NO FILE ** up 20140522190519 ** NO FILE ** up 20140522231727 ** NO FILE ** up 20140523142858 ** NO FILE ** up 20140523164418 ** NO FILE ** up 20140523175853 ** NO FILE ** up 20140527170951 ** NO FILE ** up 20140529220933 ** NO FILE ** up 20140530195058 ** NO FILE ** up 20140530195059 ** NO FILE ** up 20140603193939 ** NO FILE ** up 20140604180158 ** NO FILE ** up 20140606184901 ** NO FILE ** up 20140606220920 ** NO FILE ** up 20140609195358 ** NO FILE ** up 20140613194434 ** NO FILE ** up 20140616202420 ** NO FILE ** up 20140617211933 ** NO FILE ** up 20140628015850 ** NO FILE ** up 20140707221306 ** NO FILE ** up 20140710153035 ** NO FILE ** up 20140710211240 ** NO FILE ** up 20140717183855 ** NO FILE ** up 20140722150150 ** NO FILE ** up 20140722151057 ** NO FILE ** up 20140723165513 ** NO FILE ** up 20140723220226 ** NO FILE ** up 20140728202458 ** NO FILE ** up 20140805194100 ** NO FILE ** up 20140806161233 ** NO FILE ** up 20140806162559 ** NO FILE ** up 20140809142615 ** NO FILE ** up 20140815192313 ** NO FILE ** up 20140818134232 ** NO FILE ** up 20140818144041 ** NO FILE ** up 20140819210933 ** NO FILE ** up 20140821130508 ** NO FILE ** up 20140821171612 ** NO FILE ** up 20140822192941 ** NO FILE ** up 20140825163916 ** NO FILE ** up 20140825200057 ** NO FILE ** up 20140903152155 ** NO FILE ** up 20140903164913 ** NO FILE ** up 20140903191721 ** NO FILE ** up 20140904193057 ** NO FILE ** up 20140904214619 ** NO FILE ** up 20140905171322 ** NO FILE ** up 20140915174918 ** NO FILE ** up 20140916195352 ** NO FILE ** up 20140917205347 ** NO FILE ** up 20140919170019 ** NO FILE ** up 20140925153437 ** NO FILE ** up 20140930123844 ** NO FILE ** up 20141001211428 ** NO FILE ** up 20141008142620 ** NO FILE ** up 20141008201112 ** NO FILE ** up 20141010172524 ** NO FILE ** up 20141015083228 ** NO FILE ** up 20141015132218 ** NO FILE ** up 20141022192431 ** NO FILE ** up 20141023050715 ** NO FILE ** up 20141023120911 ** NO FILE ** up 20141023164759 ** NO FILE ** up 20141023171507 ** NO FILE ** up 20141024045542 ** NO FILE ** up 20141024155909 ** NO FILE ** up 20141029163245 ** NO FILE ** up 20141104213722 ** NO FILE ** up 20141106211024 ** NO FILE ** up 20141106213431 ** NO FILE ** up 20141109202906 Create initial quiz submission event partitions up 20141110133207 ** NO FILE ** up 20141112204534 ** NO FILE ** up 20141113211810 ** NO FILE ** up 20141114205319 ** NO FILE ** up 20141119233751 ** NO FILE ** up 20141125133305 ** NO FILE ** up 20141125180700 ** NO FILE ** up 20141125212000 ** NO FILE ** up 20141202202750 ** NO FILE ** up 20141204222243 ** NO FILE ** up 20141205172247 ** NO FILE ** up 20141209081016 ** NO FILE ** up 20141210062449 ** NO FILE ** up 20141210112542 ** NO FILE ** up 20141212134557 ** NO FILE ** up 20141216202750 ** NO FILE ** up 20141217222534 ** NO FILE ** up 20141226194222 ** NO FILE ** up 20150105210803 ** NO FILE ** up 20150113222309 ** NO FILE ** up 20150113222342 ** NO FILE ** up 20150119204052 ** NO FILE ** up 20150203174534 ** NO FILE ** up 20150204033531 ** NO FILE ** up 20150204210125 ** NO FILE ** up 20150206165423 ** NO FILE ** up 20150207205406 ** NO FILE ** up 20150209173933 ** NO FILE ** up 20150210172230 ** NO FILE ** up 20150213193129 ** NO FILE ** up 20150213195207 ** NO FILE ** up 20150213200336 ** NO FILE ** up 20150223211234 ** NO FILE ** up 20150225205638 ** NO FILE ** up 20150303073748 ** NO FILE ** up 20150305223647 ** NO FILE ** up 20150305225732 ** NO FILE ** up 20150305234725 ** NO FILE ** up 20150306193021 ** NO FILE ** up 20150306193257 ** NO FILE ** up 20150306193436 ** NO FILE ** up 20150306204948 ** NO FILE ** up 20150306215054 ** NO FILE ** up 20150306223518 ** NO FILE ** up 20150312155754 ** NO FILE ** up 20150402170409 ** NO FILE ** up 20150402190950 ** NO FILE ** up 20150403145930 ** NO FILE ** up 20150408191716 ** NO FILE ** up 20150409141430 ** NO FILE ** up 20150415152143 ** NO FILE ** up 20150415191548 ** NO FILE ** up 20150416203853 ** NO FILE ** up 20150416231745 ** NO FILE ** up 20150417193318 ** NO FILE ** up 20150423192500 ** NO FILE ** up 20150429143151 ** NO FILE ** up 20150505173732 ** NO FILE ** up 20150506164227 ** NO FILE ** up 20150507024232 ** NO FILE ** up 20150507024319 ** NO FILE ** up 20150507151545 ** NO FILE ** up 20150513155145 ** NO FILE ** up 20150514193537 ** NO FILE ** up 20150514194536 ** NO FILE ** up 20150518165116 ** NO FILE ** up 20150518201834 ** NO FILE ** up 20150518202838 ** NO FILE ** up 20150519205506 ** NO FILE ** up 20150519205726 ** NO FILE ** up 20150520141519 ** NO FILE ** up 20150520143503 ** NO FILE ** up 20150526214834 ** NO FILE ** up 20150528180152 ** NO FILE ** up 20150603165824 ** NO FILE ** up 20150603171347 ** NO FILE ** up 20150604155956 ** NO FILE ** up 20150608173758 ** NO FILE ** up 20150610163001 ** NO FILE ** up 20150618143738 ** NO FILE ** up 20150618183919 ** NO FILE ** up 20150623192542 ** NO FILE ** up 20150623232112 ** NO FILE ** up 20150702221117 ** NO FILE ** up 20150707202413 ** NO FILE ** up 20150708170103 ** NO FILE ** up 20150708170104 ** NO FILE ** up 20150709205405 Create k12 theme up 20150713165815 ** NO FILE ** up 20150713214318 ** NO FILE ** up 20150714162127 ** NO FILE ** up 20150715215932 ** NO FILE ** up 20150716154914 ** NO FILE ** up 20150728222354 ** NO FILE ** up 20150730170646 ** NO FILE ** up 20150730222557 ** NO FILE ** up 20150806172319 ** NO FILE ** up 20150807133223 ** NO FILE ** up 20150810175815 ** NO FILE ** up 20150811155403 ** NO FILE ** up 20150811162518 ** NO FILE ** up 20150815071039 ** NO FILE ** up 20150817134210 ** NO FILE ** up 20150818031808 ** NO FILE ** up 20150818172939 ** NO FILE ** up 20150819165426 ** NO FILE ** up 20150819165427 ** NO FILE ** up 20150825233217 ** NO FILE ** up 20150826200628 ** NO FILE ** up 20150828114628 ** NO FILE ** up 20150828171113 ** NO FILE ** up 20150828210853 ** NO FILE ** up 20150828215400 ** NO FILE ** up 20150831164121 ** NO FILE ** up 20150902140556 ** NO FILE ** up 20150902191222 ** NO FILE ** up 20150902192436 ** NO FILE ** up 20150903204436 ** NO FILE ** up 20150910191348 ** NO FILE ** up 20150910205710 ** NO FILE ** up 20150910215720 ** NO FILE ** up 20150914171551 ** NO FILE ** up 20150914201058 ** NO FILE ** up 20150914201159 ** NO FILE ** up 20150915185129 ** NO FILE ** up 20150922142651 ** NO FILE ** up 20150925063254 ** NO FILE ** up 20150926232040 ** NO FILE ** up 20151006220031 ** NO FILE ** up 20151006222126 ** NO FILE ** up 20151007154224 ** NO FILE ** up 20151008204341 ** NO FILE ** up 20151012151746 ** NO FILE ** up 20151012222050 ** NO FILE ** up 20151022203907 ** NO FILE ** up 20151103222602 ** NO FILE ** up 20151123210429 ** NO FILE ** up 20151201200312 Create minimalist theme up 20151202171705 ** NO FILE ** up 20151203144731 ** NO FILE ** up 20151203162845 Create state theme up 20151204224305 ** NO FILE ** up 20151210162949 ** NO FILE ** up 20151214203145 ** NO FILE ** up 20151216161426 ** NO FILE ** up 20151216170559 ** NO FILE ** up 20151221185407 ** NO FILE ** up 20160104220433 ** NO FILE ** up 20160105202518 ** NO FILE ** up 20160108163429 ** NO FILE ** up 20160115234310 ** NO FILE ** up 20160119170221 ** NO FILE ** up 20160120201216 ** NO FILE ** up 20160122192633 ** NO FILE ** up 20160127184059 ** NO FILE ** up 20160129144155 ** NO FILE ** up 20160208133729 ** NO FILE ** up 20160209163458 ** NO FILE ** up 20160210153643 ** NO FILE ** up 20160212204337 ** NO FILE ** up 20160216135203 ** NO FILE ** up 20160216165757 ** NO FILE ** up 20160218011039 ** NO FILE ** up 20160222035553 ** NO FILE ** up 20160301180730 ** NO FILE ** up 20160303173627 ** NO FILE ** up 20160304205401 ** NO FILE ** up 20160308200031 ** NO FILE ** up 20160308215715 ** NO FILE ** up 20160309135747 ** NO FILE ** up 20160310141551 ** NO FILE ** up 20160310205719 ** NO FILE ** up 20160310225521 ** NO FILE ** up 20160314171341 ** NO FILE ** up 20160317134930 ** NO FILE ** up 20160317193020 ** NO FILE ** up 20160322204834 ** NO FILE ** up 20160323121515 ** NO FILE ** up 20160411201107 ** NO FILE ** up 20160411222238 ** NO FILE ** up 20160412154238 ** NO FILE ** up 20160413183434 ** NO FILE ** up 20160413190732 ** NO FILE ** up 20160419155551 ** NO FILE ** up 20160419220532 ** NO FILE ** up 20160426183801 ** NO FILE ** up 20160426211019 ** NO FILE ** up 20160428140746 ** NO FILE ** up 20160504154220 ** NO FILE ** up 20160504164017 ** NO FILE ** up 20160509131527 ** NO FILE ** up 20160509164754 ** NO FILE ** up 20160510152226 ** NO FILE ** up 20160510211116 ** NO FILE ** up 20160517153405 ** NO FILE ** up 20160518175241 ** NO FILE ** up 20160519221937 ** NO FILE ** up 20160520035902 ** NO FILE ** up 20160520172057 Create version partitions up 20160520172354 ** NO FILE ** up 20160523163311 ** NO FILE ** up 20160601141539 ** NO FILE ** up 20160601192206 ** NO FILE ** up 20160601195833 ** NO FILE ** up 20160607214646 ** NO FILE ** up 20160609195031 ** NO FILE ** up 20160616151853 ** NO FILE ** up 20160617221055 ** NO FILE ** up 20160623201104 ** NO FILE ** up 20160627183800 ** NO FILE ** up 20160705191447 ** NO FILE ** up 20160707203448 ** NO FILE ** up 20160708195849 ** NO FILE ** up 20160713185410 ** NO FILE ** up 20160715170252 ** NO FILE ** up 20160730111234 ** NO FILE ** up 20160803022917 ** NO FILE ** up 20160803212417 ** NO FILE ** up 20160805163609 ** NO FILE ** up 20160810134616 ** NO FILE ** up 20160811164248 ** NO FILE ** up 20160811164532 ** NO FILE ** up 20160811172850 ** NO FILE ** up 20160816165844 ** NO FILE ** up 20160817170539 ** NO FILE ** up 20160818202512 ** NO FILE ** up 20160819193534 ** NO FILE ** up 20160822163004 ** NO FILE ** up 20160823152519 ** NO FILE ** up 20160824211046 ** NO FILE ** up 20160902165823 ** NO FILE ** up 20160907164226 ** NO FILE ** up 20160907201702 ** NO FILE ** up 20160908200742 ** NO FILE ** up 20160919175208 ** NO FILE ** up 20160919180229 ** NO FILE ** up 20160926190558 ** NO FILE ** up 20160927165358 ** NO FILE ** up 20160929151753 ** NO FILE ** up 20160930163249 ** NO FILE ** up 20161003132504 ** NO FILE ** up 20161003171404 ** NO FILE ** up 20161021180838 ** NO FILE ** up 20161021195906 ** NO FILE ** up 20161026192632 ** NO FILE ** up 20161028181120 ** NO FILE ** up 20161102152118 ** NO FILE ** up 20161102160847 ** NO FILE ** up 20161103144325 ** NO FILE ** up 20161104170317 ** NO FILE ** up 20161104180752 ** NO FILE ** up 20161107192540 ** NO FILE ** up 20161108204808 ** NO FILE ** up 20161116173824 ** NO FILE ** up 20161116211024 ** NO FILE ** up 20161117194401 ** NO FILE ** up 20161117205800 ** NO FILE ** up 20161118195821 ** NO FILE ** up 20161122174824 ** NO FILE ** up 20161128200025 ** NO FILE ** up 20161128205000 ** NO FILE ** up 20161128205705 ** NO FILE ** up 20161130223353 ** NO FILE ** up 20161206165139 ** NO FILE ** up 20161206165140 ** NO FILE ** up 20161206165141 ** NO FILE ** up 20161206191552 ** NO FILE ** up 20161206230329 ** NO FILE ** up 20161206230608 ** NO FILE ** up 20161206234219 ** NO FILE ** up 20161206323555 ** NO FILE ** up 20161212012659 ** NO FILE ** up 20161212200216 ** NO FILE ** up 20161216183242 ** NO FILE ** up 20161220003113 ** NO FILE ** up 20161220193846 ** NO FILE ** up 20161229165819 ** NO FILE ** up 20170103170627 Add weighted to grading period groups up 20170104171600 Set account setting enable turnitin up 20170110145429 Fix overwritten file module items up 20170112160146 Add developer key id to lti product family up 20170116190327 Clear any multiple grading periods feature flags up 20170119203540 Add migration id to child content tags up 20170202143540 Change upload error message to text up 20170207200626 Set default values for assignments up 20170207211201 Set default values for quizzes up 20170207211526 Set default values for discussion topics up 20170207231408 Update lti tool proxy description to text up 20170208195519 Create lti tool consumer profiles up 20170209175843 Add index to child subscriptions up 20170215234310 Fix nan group weights up 20170216144923 Delete empty progressions up 20170217081027 Add partial index to scores up 20170224175329 Remove computed current score and computed final score from enrollments up 20170302210529 Add subscription id to assignment configuration tool lookups up 20170307135135 Add display totals for all grading periods option up 20170307144035 Clear all grading periods totals feature flags up 20170314143945 Add default column to master content tags up 20170314165832 ** NO FILE ** up 20170315185944 Add migration id index to attachments up 20170320212242 Add notes to developer keys up 20170322213721 Add lti tool proxy id to lti message handler up 20170323171226 Fix user active only gist index frd up 20170323183550 Re add master template index up 20170323205406 Add access token count to developer keys up 20170323212756 Update developer key access token counts up 20170324212128 Add last used at index to developer keys up 20170327150955 Make enrolllment state lock not null up 20170327170143 Change tool proxy id not null up 20170330061014 Add progress columns to account reports up 20170405195849 Remove preferred plugin course id from canvadocs up 20170406193540 Change calendar events location to text up 20170406221124 Create late policies up 20170407190715 Remove redundant quiz submission event indices up 20170407194724 Remove weird old quiz submission event partitions up 20170407231137 Add late columns to submissions up 20170413154928 Create purgatory up 20170413202957 Change submission comment draft default up 20170413202958 Make submission comment draft not null up 20170414134610 Drop submission comment participants up 20170421160506 Change originality report score null up 20170421162831 Make timestamps not null up 20170425160326 Add comment to master migration up 20170425160758 Add grading period to submissions up 20170425165327 Populate grading period for submissions up 20170426164234 Fix master content tag default up 20170505142033 Add restriction columns to master templates up 20170505142836 Add send notification to master migration up 20170508170608 Add lookup id to lti resource handler up 20170508170918 Add blueprint notifications up 20170508171328 Change lti resouce handler lookup id not null up 20170508214002 Add todo date to discussion topics up 20170509022829 Add todo date to wiki pages up 20170511215654 Create planner overrides up 20170512013055 Fix date format in account reports up 20170512013422 Re populate account report date times up 20170512184911 Make late policy unique up 20170516023721 Create planner notes up 20170516154345 Fix points possible sums in quizzes up 20170517162828 Add settings to master migration up 20170517182830 Remove lookup id from lti resource handler up 20170522211608 Add link id to originality report up 20170524215805 Add lookup code info to lti tool settings up 20170526160229 Fix empty hosted domain for google up 20170530142129 Change lti tool settings tool proxy up 20170530170614 Add child subscription id to content migrations down 20170605134354 Cassandra add additional grade change indexes for gradebook history up 20170609221544 Rename planner override visible to marked complete up 20170612163744 Add registration url to lti tool proxies up 20170612221227 Fix planner overrides marked complete data up 20170613174429 Add foreign key indexes8 up 20170614020503 Populate add blueprint course permission up 20170621223249 Add processing errors attachment to sis batch up 20170624070039 Add change threshold to sis batch up 20170628141007 Add seconds late override to submissions up 20170628144045 Remove accepted at from submissions up 20170705191526 Add dismissed to planner overrides up 20170705191531 Add lti codes to assignment configuration tool lookup up 20170707210332 Update collation key indexes up 20170707212935 Drop old collation key indexes up 20170711212839 Add vendor code to developer keys up 20170714191148 Add context to wiki pages up 20170714192323 Populate context on wiki pages up 20170716050447 Add workflow state to account user up 20170717222046 Add sis batch id to account user up 20170719210808 Add confirmation code expires at to communication channels up 20170725164505 Drop asset context code from messages up 20170725225210 Drop asset context from messages up 20170807165803 Make wiki page context not null up 20170815103759 Ignore deleted submissions for assignment visibility up 20170815152603 Add foreign key indexes9 up 20170815164619 Create lti links up 20170815211443 Add assignment group id to scores up 20170816172211 Populate course score on scores up 20170818154348 Add inst fsuuid to attachments up 20170818200231 Add id to default help links up 20170818213225 Create lti links for legacy lti tool settings up 20170822223328 Add anonymous instructor annotations to assignment up 20170824064214 Backfill assignment anonymous instructor annotations up 20170828143250 Create master migration results up 20170830204122 Add submissions needs grading index up 20170831163208 Move master import results down 20170902211600 Create new grade history batch table down 20170902211611 Init new grade history audit log indexes up 20170905204151 Create terms of service content up 20170906012531 Add foreign key indexes10 up 20170911132849 Add lti student id to submission up 20170922172749 Clear new gradebook history feature flags up 20170926095425 Delete invalid communication channels up 20170926164927 Add unposted current and final score to scores up 20170926165524 Add edited at to submission comments up 20171002170904 Create terms of service up 20171003181703 Create score metadata up 20171004154613 Populate terms of service up 20171005424242 Add account to terms content up 20171009205518 Add active submissions index up 20171011200626 Add linked object to planner notes up 20171013185152 Add not null constraint to scores course score up 20171013193306 Drop import results from master migrations up 20171013200709 Drop appointment group context columns up 20171017211555 Add sis psuedonym id to enrollments up 20171018160406 Mark assignment anonymous instructor annotations not nullable up 20171023150127 Delete extra placeholder submissions up 20171102215205 Increase gradebook upload size limit up 20171107201656 Add workflow state to assignment override students up 20171107205558 Validate assignment overrides up 20171107224337 Change assignment override students constraint up 20171108155618 Update invalid assignment grading types up 20171113174635 Fix assignment peer review jobs up 20171116175855 Add submissions grading period index up 20171116180400 Add cache due date index to submissions up 20171121161259 Add index calendar events on start at up 20171121162639 Add user workflow state index up 20171127224037 Add sis id to group categories up 20171128171720 Drop calendar event contexts up 20171130225439 Populate root account id for group categories up 20171204114338 Update assignment student visibilities view up 20171204191806 Add index on submissions late policy status up 20171206203022 Add allow membership service access to context external tool up 20171208174149 Add foreign key indexes11 up 20171208202812 Create discussion topic section visibilities up 20171208202825 Backfill discussion topic is section specific up 20171212160050 Change attachment null on originality report up 20171215171625 Populate scores and metadata for assignment groups and teacher view up 20171218182205 Add last attended at to enrollments up 20171218212419 Add consumer key index to context external tool up 20171221144707 Add domain specific to account notifications up 20180108182028 Add points and points possible to scores up 20180117012629 Create parallel importers up 20180117235949 Make group categories sis id unique up 20180118182039 Fix discussion topic materialized views up 20180122181625 Fix sis pseudonym id on enrollments up 20180122184002 Fix sis batch id on group categories up 20180123003241 Populate points for all scores up 20180123191425 Remove foreign key from enrollments to pseudonym up 20180124230733 Add workflow state to score metadata up 20180124233814 Create sis batch errors up 20180125172528 Add gist indexes for discussion topic search up 20180128072635 Add columns to parallel importers up 20180131191744 Add readonly to custom gradebook column up 20180201160908 Create sis batch roll back data up 20180201212937 Default limit privileges to course section up 20180207044504 Create lti resource links up 20180207044934 Create lti line items up 20180207045041 Create lti results up 20180207054737 Backfill workflow state nulls on score metadata up 20180207061345 Add workflow state null contraint and index to score metadata up 20180213235146 Add duplicate of to assignments up 20180217040011 Change originality report attachment uniqueness index up 20180220150850 Fixup group originality reports up 20180222152531 Add workflow states to tokens and endpoints up 20180222195648 Drop sis batch error files up 20180223202603 Add outcomes export up 20180224031729 Create outcome imports up 20180224031730 Create outcome import errors up 20180226212914 Modify submission and quiz submission user foreign key constraint up 20180226221155 Add data to outcome imports up 20180227015801 Populate import outcome permission up 20180227050308 Add latest outcome import to contexts up 20180228195553 Add anonymous id to submissions up 20180228212612 Add vendor guid and context index to learning outcome groups up 20180301192608 Add row to outcome import error up 20180302202825 Add import id to outcomes and outcome groups up 20180307163411 Add index to submissions graded at up 20180307214904 Delete empty adhoc assignment overrides up 20180308162114 Add root account id to user observer up 20180312105008 Add anonymous grading to assignments up 20180312105009 Create developer key account bindings up 20180312105010 Add developer key visibility column up 20180312105011 Change sis error message to text up 20180312105012 Default auth over tls up 20180312105014 Disable no tls for ldap up 20180312165128 Add user observer foreign key again up 20180312165129 Populate root account id on user observers up 20180319193700 Add row info to sis batch errors up 20180320183422 Add scopes and require scopes to developer keys up 20180320192611 Populate view user logins permission up 20180320192612 Populate read email addresses permission up 20180320211733 Populate submission anonymous ids up 20180323210340 Create score statistics up 20180326211022 Remove foreign key from developer key account bindings up 20180327092614 Add anonymous moderated marking fields to assignment up 20180327092615 Backfill anonymous moderated marking fields up 20180327092616 Update grading standards to full range up 20180327092617 Add submission date index up 20180327092618 Add last comment at on submissions up 20180327092619 Create account report runners up 20180327092620 Create account report rows up 20180327092621 Populate last comment at on submissions up 20180406140718 Add hide points to rubric associations up 20180406151719 Remove attachment foreign key from originality reports up 20180408035827 Delete yo communication channels up 20180408212014 Add missing foreign key index to parallel importer up 20180410191143 Drop scribd mime type up 20180413213456 Create outcome proficiencies up 20180413213542 Create outcome proficiency ratings up 20180415192615 Remove developer key foreign key from developer key account bindings up 20180419201618 Add hide outcome results to rubric associations up 20180419201619 Backfill hide points and results settings up 20180420174800 Add hide points to rubric assessments up 20180420184406 Add hide points to learning outcome results up 20180420184544 Add hidden to learning outcome results up 20180423173144 Backfill hide points to rubric assessments up 20180423173307 Backfill hide points and hidden to learning outcome results up 20180423235216 Add failure to outcome import errors up 20180424184856 Add duplication started at to assignment up 20180424211010 Create authentication providers view up 20180425185812 Rename account authorization configs to authentication providers up 20180425200333 Migrate saml login attributes up 20180430165227 Add accounts fk to developer key account bindings up 20180430220730 Create moderation graders up 20180502184537 Create observer alert thresholds up 20180503142113 Create observer alerts up 20180504144006 Update assignment student visibilities view submissions join up 20180511152330 Fix assignment grading indexes up 20180514142421 Rename switchman shards fk if necessary up 20180514154300 Backfill dev key account binding up 20180516171715 Add index to observer alert threshold up 20180521211614 Fixup add index to observer alert threshold up 20180521220334 Fixup observer alert up 20180522203135 Backfill dev key account bindings for deleted keys migration up 20180522204435 Set existing binding state up 20180523134906 Update asv enrollment filter up 20180523214000 Add importing started at to assignment up 20180529143959 Add old attributes to purgatory up 20180531164616 Create observer pairing codes up 20180601142716 Fix grader visibility data up 20180601143016 Backfill moderation graders up 20180601153016 Change anonymous grading defaults up 20180601153421 Replace user search indexes with gin up 20180601162936 Replace other gist indexes with gin up 20180601202659 Make rubric assessment hide points not null up 20180601202715 Make learning outcome result hide points and hidden not null up 20180607180124 Add test cluster only to developer keys up 20180611205754 Clean up assignment overrides up 20180613150943 Update anonymous grading settings up 20180613202631 Improve asv group performance up 20180621161930 Populate generate observer pairing code permission up 20180629140909 Populate anonymous moderated grading permissions up 20180703154256 Fix select final grade permission for existing up 20180802214712 Add slot taken to moderation graders up 20180806135534 Add create forum permission overrides up 20180807225811 Optimize assignment student visibility view up 20180809193955 Turn off anonymous grading for discussion topics and quizzes up 20180810135126 Add developer key id to context external tools up 20180810202105 Create anonymous or moderation events up 20180813194457 Drop last un lock at up 20180814153129 Add unique index to role overrides up 20180814155556 Add index to assignment override students on quiz up 20180816150533 Add canvadoc id index to canvadocs submissions up 20180821015649 Optimize quiz student visibility view up 20180821193008 Add public jwk to developer keys up 20180822193756 Add index to moderation graders up 20180827172433 Add workflow state index to sis batches up 20180828185252 Add default shard indexswitchman up 20180828192739 Add timestamps to shardsswitchman up 20180830155131 Add context code index to submissions up 20180830195158 Change default value for payload up 20180910151722 Add includes sis ids to quiz statistics up 20180910162447 Create tool configurations up 20180920160456 Add internal service to developer keys up 20181001164732 Add disabled placements to lti tool configurations up 20181001182233 Add override score to scores up 20181005184917 Add custom fields to lti tool configurations up 20181016171038 Fix enrollment accepted notification category up 20181017213409 Run developer key account binding data fixup up 20181026150814 Reinsert assessment question file verifiers up 20181030155958 Fix last comment at functions up 20181031235006 Add context external tool reference to lti resource links up 20181101160456 Add created at index to messages up 20181101160457 Create message partitions up 20181101160555 Migrate messages to partitions up 20181107153006 Add unread content partitipations index up 20181107181656 Add not null constraint to lti resource links up 20181115142446 Create csp domains up 20181115181442 Add allowed attempts to assignments up 20181115181722 Add extra attempts to submissions up 20181203213109 Add tool id to line item up 20181207192502 Add lti id to users up 20181207192821 Run lti id data fixup up 20181210175230 Add created at index to sis batch errors up 20181217155351 Speed up max concurrent triggers up 20181219174229 Fix reinserted verifier question yaml up 20181219205220 Create attachment upload status up 20181220170044 Add send count to communication channel up 20190103180752 Create post policies up 20190109210111 Add privacy level to lti tool configurations up 20190111172821 Add oidc login uri to developer keys up 20190114212900 Add unique name indexesswitchman up 20190116161525 Add quiz and external tool to anonymous or moderation events up 20190116215736 Add posted at to submissions up 20190116221124 Backfill posted at on submissions up 20190117151238 Add default sections unique index up 20190123151903 Add pseudonyms lower unique id index up 20190205030245 Add content link error notifications up 20190212220903 Make user observer root account not null up 20190214060931 User merge data items up 20190227015543 Add index to submission versions on versions up 20190304161148 Link submission comments to submission attempt up 20190308200717 Add developer keys oidc initiation url up 20190311214821 Remove developer key oidc login uri up 20190312131154 Make account notification users not null up 20190319200622 Populate final grade override course setting up 20190325205830 Create user past lti up 20190326214821 Remove tool configuration custom fields up 20190401210314 Add feature flag visibility and manipulate up 20190402162707 Remove course copy foreign keys up 20190403131808 Add column to media track up 20190403143946 Add global identifiers to content exports up 20190405134013 Populate media tracks web vtt content up 20190419162825 Add unique type to folders up 20190429145838 Add error message to originality reports up 20190503151652 Create submission draft up 20190515205026 Add root account id to context external tools up 20190528220036 Add workflow state to line items up 20190529045512 Add last account report index up 20190529045628 Drop old last account report index up 20190530154451 Change originality report attachment id unique index up 20190530174534 Add post policies to assignments up 20190603215658 Add submission time to originality reports up 20190611172144 Add public jwk fields to developer key up 20190614230624 Add cached quiz lti to submissions up 20190614230625 Backfill cached quiz lti on submissions up 20190617172509 Run due date cacher for quiz lti up 20190618130310 Change failed jobs handler to text up 20190619151634 Add url to lti results up 20190620215202 Add lti line item extensions up 20190702101937 Add root account id to assignments pre up 20190702103037 Add root account id to assignments post up 20190702103537 Fixup root account id on assignments post up 20190702111937 Add sis source id to assignments up 20190703134306 Add instfs uuid to purgatory up 20190705193712 Add grade passback setting to course up 20190711193234 Add index on uuid to user past lti ids up 20190726124504 Make unused submission columns nullable up 20190726124505 Drop unused submission columns up 20190726154743 Make critical columns not null up 20190729032941 Create viewed submission comment table up 20190729062410 Clear rails cache up 20190729062411 Clear rails cache2 up 20190729133359 Add updated at to enrollment states up 20190731175046 Populate manage course visibility permission up 20190801215707 Add body to submission draft up 20190806214554 Add view feature flags permission overrides up 20190806231413 Create content shares up 20190820224919 Add type to content shares up 20190828164410 Add submission posted notification up 20190829161540 Migrate usage rights and course catalog up 20190904204849 Remove correct content migration foreign key up 20190911182555 Add submissions posted notification up 20190916193616 Add url to submission draft up 20190927152242 Add enrollment role user index up 20191001164744 Add active submission type to submission draft up 20191004221732 Create account pronouns up 20191004230937 Add account pronoun to user up 20191007191957 Add send message to account notifications up 20191016224038 Add file to account report row up 20191017041727 Add migrate from to assignments up 20191017125402 Add assignment override indexes up 20191021165856 Add media object to submission draft up 20191028234905 Add context type to assignment configuration tool lookups up 20191028234906 Set context type on assignment configuration tool lookups up 20191029013820 Index attachments find existing root up 20191030231711 Drop account pronouns up 20191031154616 Add pronouns to users up 20191111150403 Add misc performance indexes up 20191111191353 Set posting notification frequency up 20191115191320 Add settings to assignment up 20191209194226 Add spam status to eportfolios up 20191210021541 Populate moderate user content permission up 20191212163805 Create manually created access token created notification up 20200106210312 Add allow include params to developer key up 20200116153934 Add context index to content exports up 20200117145424 Granular wiki page permissions up 20200120224245 Create notification policy overrides up 20200121193240 Add blueprint deletion indexes up 20200127173205 Add link settings to content tag up 20200205153307 Create user preference values up 20200210223108 Add user uuid to learning outcome results down 20200211143240 Split up user preferences up 20200224162724 Add cached tardiness to submissions up 20200227143541 Add graded or excused index to submissions up 20200305195754 Add is rce favorite to context external tools up 20200309222710 Add root account id to lti line items up 20200312144536 Add root account id to wikis up 20200312145819 Add root account id to wiki pages up 20200312150545 Add root account id to rubrics up 20200312152659 Add root account id to rubric associations up 20200312160431 Add root account id to rubric assessments up 20200312161329 Add root account id to master courses migration results up 20200312202907 Add root account id to master courses master templates up 20200312205938 Add root account id to master courses master content tags down 20200318170259 Add cached due date index on submissions down 20200320143033 Cassandra add account index for courses down 20200320143726 Init account index for course audit log down 20200323153455 Add pending delayed messages index up 20200323182848 Add root account id to quizzes up 20200323185224 Add root account id to quiz questions up 20200323185942 Add root account id to quiz groups up 20200323190438 Add root account id to quiz submissions up 20200323190857 Add root account id to assessment question banks up 20200323191645 Add root account id to assessment questions up 20200323201142 Add priority to notification down 20200325165201 Backfill covid help link down 20200327150327 Copy big blue button settings down 20200328164010 Add better user preference value index down 20200330135859 Add active content tags index down 20200330150024 Add active enrollments index down 20200330230722 Add id to get delayed jobs index down 20200331134748 Add index on section to enrollments up 20200331152504 Add course id to submissions down 20200331154332 Populate course id on submissions up 20200403185250 Add disable timer autosubmission to quiz up 20200407223224 Add conference id to calendar event up 20200408175631 Add root account id to master courses child subscriptions up 20200408215936 Add annotation notification up 20200409165445 Add root account id to content tags up 20200409175218 Add root account id to developer key account bindings up 20200409180139 Add root account id to developer keys up 20200409181019 Add root account id to lti resource links up 20200409181832 Add root account id to lti results up 20200409182555 Add root account id to originality reports up 20200410144107 Add root account id to master courses child content tags up 20200410145235 Add root account id to discussion topic participants up 20200410151621 Add root account id to course account associations up 20200410152841 Add root account id to context modules up 20200410153820 Add root account id to context module progressions up 20200410155410 Add root account id to content participations up 20200410160448 Add root account id to content participation counts up 20200413153758 Add root account id to content migrations up 20200414173843 Add auditor tables up 20200414193317 Create auditors partitions up 20200415131241 Add course score statistics down 20200415194126 Run update course score statistic down 20200416210420 Add unique index to notification endpoint down 20200416210758 Drop enrollment section index down 20200419220527 Add missing fk indexes up 20200420020319 Make submission course id not null up 20200420211742 Add notification policy overide to delayed message up 20200421145054 Add root account id to attachment associations up 20200421163756 Add root account id to assignment override students up 20200421165055 Add root account id to assignment overrides up 20200421174956 Add root account id to assignment groups down 20200421220457 Uniquify auditor uuid indexes down 20200422143600 Drop submission context code down 20200422160230 Add missing fk indexes2 up 20200422164047 Create migration cells up 20200422173259 Add user course id submissions index down 20200422222400 Add missing fk indexes3 up 20200423151950 Add root account to submission versions up 20200423153430 Add root account to submission comments up 20200423154614 Add root account id to submissions down 20200423154615 Add root account id index to submissions up 20200423155711 Add root account id to score statistics up 20200423160434 Add root account id to scores up 20200423161237 Add root account id to grading periods up 20200424153715 Add root account id to post policies up 20200424155029 Add root account id to late policies up 20200424160852 Add root account id to grading standards up 20200424161556 Add root account id to custom gradebook columns up 20200424164435 Add root account id to learning outcome group up 20200424170933 Add root account id to custom gradebook column data up 20200427144325 Add root account id to master courses master migrations up 20200427155044 Add root account id to learning outcomes up 20200427162315 Add root account id to learning outcome question results up 20200427162639 Add root account id to learning outcome results up 20200427163600 Add root account id to outcome proficiencies down 20200427180852 Add id to users sortable name index up 20200427183334 Add root account id to outcome proficiency ratings up 20200429162454 Remove foreign key to notification up 20200429215549 Add root account id to account users up 20200429220808 Add root account id to enrollment states up 20200429221128 Add root account id to group memberships up 20200429221630 Add root account id to role overrides up 20200429221913 Add root account id to access tokens up 20200429222840 Add root account id to user account associations up 20200505150604 Add root account id to discussion entries up 20200506152737 Add workflow state to submission comments down 20200506162841 Backfill workflow state on submission comments up 20200506171206 Add real user id to access token up 20200511162846 Add root account id to asset user accesses up 20200511170159 Change delayed message index to ignore null values down 20200511171508 Make existing pronoun fields sticky up 20200511181051 Add root account id to attachments up 20200511181838 Add root account id to content shares up 20200511182640 Add root account id to user notes up 20200511183830 Add root account id to calendar events up 20200511184244 Add root account id to folders up 20200511191833 Add root account id to communication channels up 20200511193857 Add root account id to favorites up 20200511194513 Add root account id to discussion topics up 20200513102435 Add upcoming assignment alert notification up 20200514230806 Create scheduled smart alerts down 20200518183542 Cascasde unique auditor indexes to auth partitions down 20200518183543 Cascasde unique auditor indexes to course partitions down 20200518183544 Cascasde unique auditor indexes to grade partitions up 20200522154102 Add root account ids to users up 20200527195732 Add root account id to discussion entry participants up 20200528182340 Add root account id to web conference participants up 20200528182917 Add root account id to web conferences up 20200528200354 Annotate auditor migrations up 20200528205834 Add coupled to lti line item up 20200528232129 Add subscription id to lti tool proxy up 20200602141704 Create conditional release tables down 20200603153157 Index auditors by fks down 20200603153351 Cascade fk idxs to auditor courses down 20200603153352 Cascade fk idxs to auditor grade changes up 20200605144535 Drop conditional release templates up 20200608172853 Add root account ids to learning outcomes down 20200609161512 Add index to root account ids up 20200609215747 Add external data to content tag up 20200610222617 Add root account id to grading period groups down 20200612223728 Cleanup invalid observer alerts down 20200615170938 Drop root account id from conversations tables up 20200616085312 Add root account ids to conversations tables down 20200616173051 Remove root account id from learning outcomes down 20200617173024 Add index to learning outcomes root account ids up 20200617211843 Change schedule smart alerts context id to big int up 20200622125149 Create trophies up 20200625171947 Create pg12 collations up 20200625171948 Switch to pg12 collation indexes down 20200706193951 Populate root account ids on conversations tables down 20200706194416 Populate root account id on calendar events down 20200707155842 Drop unused user columns down 20200707172744 Update mastery connect tool config up 20200707181155 Create outcome calculation methods up 20200707213707 Add context to outcome proficiency down 20200709150703 Populate context for outcome proficiencies up 20200710134931 Remove favorites root account fk up 20200713114812 Remove fk constraints for cross shard root account ids up 20200713123512 Add root account ids to communication channels down 20200713124612 Remove root account id from communication channels up 20200713144312 Remove fk constraints for more cross shard root account ids up 20200713151556 Make outcome proficiency account null up 20200713192924 Make outcome proficiency context not null up 20200722100700 Add credential audience to developer key down 20200728210143 Adjust grade change tables for override gradespartitions up 20200729160332 Make outcome calculation method root account not null down 20200729205159 Drop account from outcome proficiency up 20200730140008 Copy built in roles by root account up 20200730144201 Remove fk constraints for asset user accesses up 20200731165617 Add workflow state to proficiencies and ratings down 20200731180147 Backfill workflow state on proficiencies and ratings down 20200803175206 Add index to users root account ids down 20200806175206 Clear old user root account ids up 20200814163148 Tweak dashboard indexes down 20200815175207 Cleanup cross shard developer keys down 20200819155035 Add index on submissions cached due date and course up 20200819170824 Remove root account fk for content shares down 20200821203605 Cassandra add grading period id to grade changes up 20200826160817 Add block stranded to switchman shards up 20200826160818 Add on hold to switchman shards up 20200826160819 Speed up max concurrent delete trigger up 20200826160820 Add strand order override up 20200827174110 Create account0 down 20200828213512 Create subscriptions for plagiarism tools down 20200831141537 Add index on account report rows created at up 20200831150747 Add index on wiki pages for planner down 20200901212732 Clear any canvas insights view role overrides down 20200902192442 Add index on missing submissions for user down 20200903163358 Index aua with context down 20200903230703 Remove manage wiki group permissions up 20200905025945 Add skinny aua tables down 20200908142218 Drop wiki pages view count down 20200908163050 Clear old communication channel root account ids down 20200908195559 Populate proficiency permissions up 20200910165057 Make role root account id not null down 20200914184302 Invalidate built in role caches down 20200921204035 Backfill dummy root account id on folders down 20200922200047 Granular manage admin users permissions up 20200923071101 Remove uniqueness constraint from user merge data records up 20200923144312 Remove fk constraints for quiz questions down 20200923185917 Make context not null for role override up 20200924181106 Migrate common core outcome to shard settings up 20200924204558 Create canvas metadata up 20200925185332 Add root account id to quiz submission events down 20200925192638 Move rce favorites to account settings up 20200930191659 Create group and membership importer down 20201001000000 Populate root account id on models down 20201002160532 Remove auditors migrations up 20201006213258 Copy throttling settings to new names down 20201009013101 Recreate subscriptions for plagiarism tools up 20201014210657 Backfill pronoun settings up 20201018221120 Add confirmation redirect to communication channels down 20201021203607 Populate missing root account ids if single root account install up 20201022034334 Set default workflow state on assignments down 20201022175359 Set all media upload folders to hidden down 20201030001917 Update asv enrollment filter v2 down 20201109175600 Add replica identity for context external tools down 20201117163234 Granular course sections permissions up 839184435922331766 Regenerate brand files based on new defaults predeploy up 839184435922331767 Regenerate brand files based on new defaults postdeploy

amg-web commented 3 years ago

Looks fixed. I replaced in

n_strand => ["user_preference_migration",]). to n_strand: ["user_preference_migration",]).

Can somebody check and submit fix for it?

Gao-Jun commented 3 years ago

Met same problem, and @amg-web 's solution solve this problem.