instructure / canvas-lms

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brandable_css #668

Closed AndranikMarkosyan closed 9 years ago

AndranikMarkosyan commented 9 years ago

Blank screen after initial install July version Canvas install. Found this error in the log '/var/canvas/public/dist/brandable_css/brandable_css_bundles_with_deps.jsoncompressed does not exist. You need to run ./node_modules/.bin/brandable_css before you can serve css. However when running /node_modules/.bin/brandable_css does not create "brandable_css_bundles_with_deps.jsoncompressed" file

fergomrom commented 9 years ago

I am having the same issue when I run the bundle exec rake canvas:compile_assets command. I didn't get that error on the previous July version. Exact error:

Error: running BrandableCSS CLI: ./node_modules/.bin/brandable_css 2>&1
/home/ubuntu/canvas-lms/lib/brandable_css.rb:102:in `run_cli!'
/home/ubuntu/canvas-lms/lib/brandable_css.rb:85:in `compile_all!'
/home/ubuntu/canvas-lms/lib/tasks/canvas.rake:121:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
/home/ubuntu/canvas-lms/lib/tasks/canvas.rake:7:in `log_time'
/home/ubuntu/canvas-lms/lib/tasks/canvas.rake:121:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

On this post an user solved it upgrading his memory, but that doesn't seem to be my problem.

Can anyone help us?

chris-obv commented 9 years ago

See this issue. You need to be running on a server with minimum 2GB or RAM.

fergomrom commented 9 years ago

I am running a server with more than 2GB of RAM and still fails. Couldn't it be another issue since more than one user is having it, and it happened just after the new release?


chris-obv commented 9 years ago

Very possible. I'll leave that up to the core Canvas team to sort out. I was able to successfully get around this issue yesterday by using a clean EC2 Ubuntu 14.04 instance with 2GB of RAM.

ccutrer commented 9 years ago

BrandableCSS is a new thing with this release, which is why you have not seen it previously. What happens when you run ./node_modules/.bin/brandable_css directly?

AndranikMarkosyan commented 9 years ago

when I run ./node_modules/.bin/brandable_css it generates a lot of files however brandable_css_bundles_with_deps.jsoncompressed still does not exist!

here is ./node_modules/.bin/brandable_css output

compiled bundles/attendance.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 1220 ms compiled bundles/all_courses.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 1253 ms canvas_css warning app/stylesheets/bundles/canvas_quizzes.scss has an external url() to: #default#VML that's not a problem but normally our css only links to files in our repo compiled bundles/alerts.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 2769 ms compiled bundles/account_admin_tools.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 2772 ms compiled bundles/assignments_edit.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 2767 ms compiled bundles/assignments.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 2768 ms compiled bundles/content_next.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 2725 ms compiled bundles/agenda_view.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 2771 ms compiled bundles/canvas_quizzes.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 2765 ms compiled bundles/account_settings.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4547 ms compiled bundles/calendar2.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4545 ms compiled bundles/conferences.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4547 ms compiled bundles/content_migrations.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4555 ms compiled bundles/context_list.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4518 ms compiled bundles/course_show.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4518 ms compiled bundles/context_modules.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4519 ms compiled bundles/context_module_progressions.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4519 ms compiled bundles/context_modules2.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4519 ms compiled bundles/datagrid.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4485 ms compiled bundles/course_list.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4521 ms compiled bundles/course_wizard.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4520 ms compiled bundles/dashboard_card.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4490 ms compiled bundles/dashboard.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4521 ms compiled bundles/external_tool_full_width.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4450 ms compiled bundles/conversations_new.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4525 ms compiled bundles/developer_keys.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 4454 ms compiled bundles/course_settings.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5649 ms compiled bundles/discussions.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5610 ms compiled bundles/edit_calendar_event_full.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5610 ms compiled bundles/discussions_list.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5610 ms compiled bundles/grade_summary.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5609 ms compiled bundles/gradebook2.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5611 ms compiled bundles/gradebook_history.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5611 ms compiled bundles/gradebook_uploads.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5575 ms compiled bundles/grading_periods.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5574 ms compiled bundles/grading_standards.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5574 ms compiled bundles/imports.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5574 ms compiled bundles/moderate_quiz.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5572 ms compiled bundles/instructure_eportfolio.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5574 ms compiled bundles/learning_outcomes.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5577 ms compiled bundles/locale.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5581 ms compiled bundles/login.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5582 ms compiled bundles/page_views.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5554 ms compiled bundles/prior_users.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5554 ms compiled bundles/messages.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5582 ms compiled bundles/modules_next.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 5557 ms canvas_css warning app/stylesheets/bundles/smartbanner.scss new_styles_normal_contrast contains a url() to: dark_background_stripes.gif which doesn't exist on disk compiled bundles/new_assignments.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7276 ms compiled bundles/mobile_auth.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7304 ms compiled bundles/notification_preferences.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7280 ms compiled bundles/otp_login.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7279 ms compiled bundles/profile_edit.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7281 ms compiled bundles/registration.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7284 ms compiled bundles/profile_show.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7289 ms compiled bundles/saml_fields.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7252 ms compiled bundles/reports.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7253 ms compiled bundles/react_files.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7289 ms compiled bundles/slickgrid.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7254 ms compiled bundles/smartbanner.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7255 ms compiled bundles/quizzes.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7294 ms compiled bundles/statistics.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 7253 ms canvas_css warning app/stylesheets/bundles/common.scss new_styles_normal_contrast contains a url() to: /images/inst_tree/node-drag.gif which doesn't exist on disk canvas_css warning app/stylesheets/bundles/common.scss has an external url() to: that's not a problem but normally our css only links to files in our repo canvas_css warning app/stylesheets/bundles/common.scss new_styles_normal_contrast contains a url() to: /images/mediaelement/skipback.png which doesn't exist on disk compiled bundles/quizzes_ember.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8617 ms compiled bundles/roster.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8580 ms compiled bundles/roster_user.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8580 ms compiled bundles/terms.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8544 ms compiled bundles/select_content_dialog.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8580 ms compiled bundles/screenreader_gradebook.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8581 ms compiled bundles/styleguide.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8578 ms compiled bundles/user_logins.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8542 ms compiled bundles/speed_grader.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8579 ms compiled bundles/sub_accounts.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8545 ms compiled bundles/theme_preview.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8544 ms compiled bundles/wiki_page.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8518 ms compiled jst/AssignmentGroupWeightsDialog.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8518 ms compiled jst/AssignmentDetailsDialog.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8518 ms compiled bundles/theme_editor.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8545 ms compiled bundles/user_grades.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8543 ms compiled jst/PaginatedView.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8517 ms compiled jst/SubmissionDetailsDialog.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8517 ms compiled bundles/tinymce.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8546 ms compiled bundles/user_notes.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8544 ms compiled jst/announcements/IndexView.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8508 ms compiled bundles/common.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8803 ms compiled jst/DiscussionTopics/IndexView.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8520 ms compiled jst/FindFlickrImageView.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8520 ms compiled jst/editor/KeyboardShortcuts.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8508 ms compiled bundles/what_gets_loaded_inside_the_tinymce_editor.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8545 ms compiled jst/groups/manage/addUnassignedMenu.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8508 ms compiled jst/groups/manage/assignToGroupMenu.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8507 ms compiled jst/groups/manage/groupCategories.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8507 ms compiled jst/MoveOutcomeDialog.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8607 ms compiled jst/groups/manage/groupCategoryCreate.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8594 ms compiled jst/groups/manage/groupUsers.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8594 ms compiled jst/messageStudentsDialog.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8594 ms compiled jst/TreeBrowser.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8608 ms compiled jst/roles/newRole.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8561 ms compiled jst/roles/permissionButton.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8561 ms compiled jst/roles/rolesOverrideIndex.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8561 ms compiled jst/tinymce/EquationEditorView.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8561 ms compiled jst/UserObservees.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8608 ms compiled jst/tinymce/InsertUpdateImageView.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8561 ms compiled jst/widget/UploadMediaTrackForm.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8561 ms compiled jst/assignments/DueDateOverride.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8598 ms compiled jst/groups/manage/group.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8597 ms compiled jst/groups/manage/editGroupAssignment.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8597 ms compiled jst/calendar/calendarApp.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8599 ms compiled jst/groups/manage/groupCategory.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8598 ms compiled jst/outcomes/outcomePopover.scss new_styles_normal_contrast in 8563 ms compiled bundles/conferences.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 656 ms compiled bundles/alerts.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 697 ms compiled bundles/assignments_edit.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 730 ms compiled bundles/account_admin_tools.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 730 ms compiled bundles/assignments.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 773 ms canvas_css warning app/stylesheets/bundles/canvas_quizzes.scss has an external url() to: #default#VML that's not a problem but normally our css only links to files in our repo compiled bundles/canvas_quizzes.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 921 ms compiled bundles/agenda_view.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 970 ms compiled bundles/calendar2.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 1317 ms compiled bundles/context_list.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 1363 ms compiled bundles/context_modules.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 1364 ms compiled bundles/context_module_progressions.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 1367 ms compiled bundles/content_migrations.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 1372 ms compiled bundles/course_list.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 1446 ms compiled bundles/context_modules2.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 1568 ms compiled bundles/course_wizard.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 1661 ms compiled bundles/dashboard_card.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 1895 ms compiled bundles/developer_keys.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 2016 ms compiled bundles/dashboard.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 2134 ms compiled bundles/edit_calendar_event_full.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 2193 ms compiled bundles/discussions.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 2311 ms compiled bundles/conversations_new.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 2665 ms compiled bundles/account_settings.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3258 ms compiled bundles/discussions_list.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3282 ms compiled bundles/course_settings.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3283 ms compiled bundles/grade_summary.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3654 ms compiled bundles/gradebook_uploads.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3682 ms compiled bundles/gradebook_history.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3685 ms compiled bundles/gradebook2.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3686 ms compiled bundles/grading_standards.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3688 ms compiled bundles/grading_periods.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3689 ms compiled bundles/imports.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3822 ms compiled bundles/instructure_eportfolio.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3841 ms compiled bundles/learning_outcomes.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3841 ms compiled bundles/locale.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3841 ms compiled bundles/login.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3848 ms compiled bundles/messages.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3808 ms compiled bundles/new_assignments.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3846 ms compiled bundles/modules_next.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3855 ms compiled bundles/notification_preferences.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 4046 ms compiled bundles/otp_login.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 4325 ms compiled bundles/mobile_auth.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 4458 ms compiled bundles/registration.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 4483 ms compiled bundles/reports.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 4485 ms compiled bundles/profile_edit.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 4631 ms compiled bundles/react_files.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 4848 ms compiled bundles/profile_show.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 5141 ms compiled bundles/roster_user.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 5272 ms compiled bundles/roster.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 5287 ms compiled bundles/select_content_dialog.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 5287 ms compiled bundles/quizzes.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 5612 ms compiled bundles/styleguide.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 6025 ms compiled bundles/sub_accounts.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 6051 ms compiled bundles/speed_grader.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 6056 ms compiled bundles/theme_preview.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 6056 ms compiled bundles/quizzes_ember.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 6596 ms compiled bundles/user_grades.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 6610 ms compiled bundles/theme_editor.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 6610 ms compiled bundles/user_notes.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 7016 ms compiled jst/DiscussionTopics/IndexView.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 7016 ms compiled jst/FindFlickrImageView.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 7016 ms compiled bundles/tinymce.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 7016 ms compiled jst/MoveOutcomeDialog.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3700 ms compiled jst/TreeBrowser.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3872 ms compiled bundles/what_gets_loaded_inside_the_tinymce_editor.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 7197 ms compiled jst/UserObservees.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3877 ms compiled jst/groups/manage/group.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3877 ms compiled jst/groups/manage/editGroupAssignment.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3877 ms compiled jst/assignments/DueDateOverride.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3877 ms compiled jst/calendar/calendarApp.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3931 ms compiled jst/groups/manage/groupCategory.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3900 ms compiled jst/outcomes/outcomePopover.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 3900 ms canvas_css warning app/stylesheets/bundles/common.scss new_styles_normal_contrast contains a url() to: /images/inst_tree/node-drag.gif which doesn't exist on disk canvas_css warning app/stylesheets/bundles/common.scss has an external url() to: that's not a problem but normally our css only links to files in our repo canvas_css warning app/stylesheets/bundles/common.scss new_styles_normal_contrast contains a url() to: /images/mediaelement/skipback.png which doesn't exist on disk compiled bundles/common.scss new_styles_normal_contrast a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4 in 8060 ms

AndranikMarkosyan commented 9 years ago

I run canvas on EC2 server with 2GB of RAM ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Previous canvas version works fine!

ryankshaw commented 9 years ago

what version of node are you using? make sure it is at least 0.12. also, after you make sure 0.12 is installed do a rm -rf node_modules gems/*/node_modules && npm cache clear && npm install to make sure everything there is right.

if it still doesn't work after that, my next guess it that maybe an oomkiller is killing the process. check: egrep -i 'killed process' /var/log/messages

ryankshaw commented 9 years ago

if it is indeed an out of memory problem, you could maybe manually edit node_modules/.bin/brandable_css line 5 so it looks like: process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = 1 (instead of the 8 it had)

if that does fix your problem, be aware that I'm changing that code so in future releases you'll be able to just set the UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE environment variable and it will honor it (instead of having to manually edit that file). eg: UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE=1 ./node_modules/.bin/brandable_css

AndranikMarkosyan commented 9 years ago

./node_modules/.bin/brandable_css does not exist

bundle exec rake canvas:compile_assets --> Starting: 'Making sure node_modules are up to date' --> Finished: 'Making sure node_modules are up to date' in 4.385054907 --> Starting: 'compile css (including custom brands)' sh: 1: ./node_modules/.bin/brandable_css: not found rake aborted! Error: running BrandableCSS CLI: ./node_modules/.bin/brandable_css 2>&1

AndranikMarkosyan commented 9 years ago

instead ibrandable_css located in ./node_modules/.brandable_css/bin/

ryankshaw commented 9 years ago

if you did rm -rf node_modules gems/*/node_modules && npm cache clear && npm install then it should exist. did you get an error when running that?

AndranikMarkosyan commented 9 years ago

yes it exist now, however still have an error in log and blank page instead of login page exception_message: /var/canvas/public/dist/brandable_css/brandable_css_bundles_with_deps.jsoncompressed does not exist. You need to run ./node_modules/.bin/brandable_css before you can serve css

ryankshaw commented 9 years ago

Run RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake canvas:compile_assets On Aug 12, 2015 5:58 PM, "AndranikMarkosyan" wrote:

yes it exist now, however still have an error in log and blank page instead of login page exception_message: /var/canvas/public/dist/brandable_css/brandable_css_bundles_with_deps.jsoncompressed does not exist. You need to run ./node_modules/.bin/brandable_css before you can serve css.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

AndranikMarkosyan commented 9 years ago

Yes it works!!! thanks a lot!

fergomrom commented 9 years ago

Brandable_css is still failing for me on the npm install step. I am using OS X v10.6.8. When I remove brandable_css dependency from package.json the installation goes ok.

This is the error I get after I run rm -rf node_modules gems/*/node_modules && npm cache clear && npm install

Binary downloaded and installed at /home/user/canvaslms/node_modules/brandable_css/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/darwin-x64-14/binding.node

> node-sass@3.2.0 postinstall /home/user/canvaslms/node_modules/brandable_css/node_modules/node-sass
> node scripts/build.js

` /home/user/canvaslms/node_modules/brandable_css/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/darwin-x64-14/binding.node ` exists.
 testing binary.
Problem with the binary.
Manual build incoming.
Building: /home/user/nodejs/bin/.node.bin node_modules/pangyp/bin/node-gyp rebuild --libsass_ext= --libsass_cflags= --libsass_ldflags= --libsass_library=
xcodebuild: error: Initialization failed.
    Reason: Scanning for plug-ins failed.

  CXX(target) Release/
cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=c++11"
cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-stdlib=libc++"
make: *** [Release/] Error 1
gyp ERR! build error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (/home/user/canvaslms/node_modules/brandable_css/node_modules/node-sass/node_modules/pangyp/lib/build.js:271:23)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:110:17)
gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:1074:12)
gyp ERR! System Darwin 10.0.0
gyp ERR! command "/home/user/nodejs/bin/.node.bin" "/home/user/canvaslms/node_modules/brandable_css/node_modules/node-sass/node_modules/pangyp/bin/node-gyp" "rebuild" "--libsass_ext=" "--libsass_cflags=" "--libsass_ldflags=" "--libsass_library="
gyp ERR! cwd /home/user/canvaslms/node_modules/brandable_css/node_modules/node-sass
gyp ERR! node -v v0.12.6
gyp ERR! pangyp -v v2.3.0
gyp ERR! not ok
Build failed
npm ERR! Darwin 10.0.0
npm ERR! argv "/home/user/nodejs/bin/.node.bin" "/home/user/nodejs/bin/npm" "install"
npm ERR! npm  v2.13.4

npm ERR! node-sass@3.2.0 postinstall: `node scripts/build.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the node-sass@3.2.0 postinstall script 'node scripts/build.js'.
npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the node-sass package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     node scripts/build.js
npm ERR! You can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls node-sass
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR!     /home/user/canvaslms/npm-debug.log

And when I check on node_modules/ directory I don't get any brandable_css folder so I can try to change process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE.

$ ls node_modules/
babel           fleck           gulp-load-plugins   karma-qunit     react-tools     vinyl-fs
babel-core      gglobby         gulp-rev        karma-requirejs     requirejs       xsslint
coffee-script       glob            karma           lodash          testem
compute-cluster     gulp            karma-firework-reporter qunitjs         uglify-js
$ ls node_modules/.bin/
babel           babel-node      cake            gulp            karma           testem
babel-external-helpers  babel-plugin        coffee          jsx         r.js            uglifyjs

Someone can help? It is very painful that I could install the July version perfectly but this one is failing because of this new dependency.

Thank you!

ccutrer commented 9 years ago

@Ferkaz it looks like the problem is that your compiler doesn't support 4+ year old standards. It's coming from the node-sass component which is not written by Instructure. My recommendations would be first to see if you can install a newer version of Xcode, and if not upgrade from Snow Leopard to either Mavericks or Yosemite. Apple provides their operating systems as free upgrades, and you are 4 major releases behind.

rivernate commented 9 years ago

I'm going to mark this as closed, if you are still having problems feel free to start a discussion on:!forum/canvas-lms-users