instructure / ic-autocomplete

accessible ember autocomplete component
MIT License
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Uncaught TypeError: template.buildRenderNodes is not a function #34

Open rmtuckerphx opened 9 years ago

rmtuckerphx commented 9 years ago

I am trying to use ic-autocomplete in an hbs template and I get the error:

Uncaught TypeError: template.buildRenderNodes is not a function

I am using the following:

bower.json "dependencies": { "ember": "1.13.5", ... "ic-autocomplete": "~0.2.0" ...

ember-cli-build.js ... app.import('bower_components/ic-styled/main.js'); app.import('bower_components/ic-autocomplete/dist/globals/main.js');

Is ic-autocomplete compatible with the version of ember and ember cli that I am using?

harishmathur commented 9 years ago

i am also getting the same error.