instructure / ic-modal

Ember component for modal dialog
MIT License
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Destroying state leaking between acceptance tests #11

Closed alvincrespo closed 10 years ago

alvincrespo commented 10 years ago

When trying to write acceptance tests, I'm getting the following error:


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'contains' of undefined vendor/ic-modal/dist/globals/main.js:454


{{#ic-modal-trigger controls="handin" class="leave-activity"}}
    {{i18n-t 'menu_bar_submit'}}
{{#ic-modal id="handin" class="modal-activity"}}
  {{#if isSubmitted}}
  <div class="is-submitted">
      {{i18n-t 'modal_thank_you_title'}}
    <p>{{i18n-t 'modal_thank_you_body'}}</p>
    <button class="btn btn-secondary" {{action 'viewMyScore'}} type="button">{{i18n-t 'modal_thank_you_btn_view_score'}}</button>
    <button class="btn btn-primary-blue" {{action 'exitActivity'}} type="button">{{i18n-t 'modal_thank_you_btn_leave_activity'}}</button>
  <div class="not-submitted">
      {{i18n-t 'modal_submit_activity'}}
    <button class="btn btn-secondary" {{action 'exitActivity'}} type="button">{{i18n-t 'modal_submit_activity_btn_save'}}</button>
    <button class="btn btn-primary-blue" {{action 'submitActivity'}} type="button">{{i18n-t 'modal_submit_activity_btn_hand_in'}}</button>


test('clicking the leave activity action launches the modal-activity', function(){
    equal(find('.modal-activity').length, 1, 'The modal .modal-activity should exist on the page');
    equal(find('.modal-activity').attr('is-open'), undefined, 'The modal\'s is-open attribute should be undefined');
      equal(find('.modal-activity').attr('is-open'), "true", 'The modal\'s is-open attribute should be "true"');

test('when submitting an activity the user is then prompted to view score or leave the activity', function(){
      andThen(function() {
        equal(find('.btn-secondary').text(), 'View score');
        equal(find('.btn-primary-blue').text(), 'Leave!');

Here is what I've noticed:

I'm curious if we should be disabling the focus event when the component is being destroyed?

cyril-sf commented 10 years ago

hey @alvincrespo , I just bumped into that issue.

In my case, handleTabIntoBrowser is the one trying to give the focus to a destroyed component ( ). So we need to check the state of the component, or to make sure that lastOpenedModal is null, or to make sure that handleTabIntoBrowser doesn't get call (or something else that I haven't figured yet!).

I'm trying now to have a better understanding of the problem/code.

(and I'm on version 0.0.6)

cyril-sf commented 10 years ago

Adding this code to the component

  willDestroyElement: function() {
    if( lastOpenedModal === this ) {
      lastOpenedModal = null;

is obviously enough to get rid of the exception.