instrumentkit / InstrumentKit

Python package for interacting with laboratory equipment over various buses.
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Can you please create Keithley6487 class #24

Closed RakshakTalwar closed 10 years ago

RakshakTalwar commented 10 years ago

Hello, I wasn't able to use the generic or other Keithley classes to work with the Keithley6487 pico ammeter. Is it possible for you to create it? I bought the GPIB adapter to use with this instrument. Thank You!

scasagrande commented 10 years ago

Can you please confirm that you are able to do the following (replace COM4 and 22 with your appropriate values):

>>> import instruments as ik
>>> inst = ik.generic_scpi.SCPIInstrument.open_gpib('COM4', 22)
>>> print

If that works, you will need to interface through that class and send the required commands through the inst.sendcmd and inst.query functions.

From what I can gather from the manual, you will need to send the following to get the latest current measurement from the buffer:

>>> inst.sendcmd('SENS:FUNC:CURR')
>>> value = inst.query('SENS:DATA:LAT?')

If you want to trigger and request a "fresh" reading all in one go, do this:

>>> value = inst.query('READ?')

I think you can also do this, but I'm not sure what the difference is between MEAS? and READ?:

>>> value = inst.query('MEAS?')

Its very difficult to program instruments that I don't have any access to. I will add it to the list but I make no promises that I'll get around to it any time in the near future, nor that it will even work.