Open jel0624 opened 1 month ago
I tried nevertheless to run the IBL GUI. I get an error like the following:
Hi Jay,
For the first issue could you run the following code and paste the output here
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
out_path = Path('') # This should be the same out_path used above in the extraction
attributes = ['clusters', 'amps', 'times', 'depths']
for att in attributes:
data = np.load(out_path.joinpath(f'spikes.{att}.npy'))
print(f'spikes.{att}: {data.shape}, {np.nanmin(data)}, {np.nanmin(data)}')
data = np.load(out_path.joinpath('clusters.channels.npy'))
print(f'clusters.channels: {data.shape}')
For the second issue can you expand on how you got your xyz_picks.json. Did you make sure to transform it to the IBL coordinates?
for the second issue, I obtained probe_ccf.npy from AP_histology and used the following code to transform it (matlab->python)
% Pick filename
filename = uiputfile('*.npy');
% Write probe_ccf coordinates as NPY file
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import json
from ibllib.atlas import AllenAtlas
atlas = AllenAtlas(25)
brainreg_path = Path(r'C:\Neuropixels_sorting_folder\JL101_20240914_g0\JL101_1_processed\probe_ccf.npy')
xyz_apdvml = np.load(brainreg_path)
xyz_mlapdv = atlas.ccf2xyz(xyz_apdvml, ccf_order='apdvml') * 1e6
xyz_picks = {'xyz_picks': xyz_mlapdv.tolist()}
output_path = Path(r'C:\Neuropixels_sorting_folder\JL101_20240914_g0\alf')
with open(Path(output_path, 'xyz_picks.json'), "w") as f:
json.dump(xyz_picks, f, indent=2)`
Thanks for the response. Is there any chance you could share your ks output and also the proce_ccf.npy file that you have. On dropbox or gdrive? I can then take a look.
Many thanks!
Hi Jay,
Thanks for the data. For the first issue please can you do pip install ibllib --upgrade
and run the extraction code again.
For the second issue about the location of the histology. There are two things, the first is that the data you have is in pixel coordinates so you need to multiply by the resolution of the atlas used by AP-histology (10 um) to convert to um and the second is that it seems the ordering is mldvap
The following code should be get you the correct xyz_picks
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import json
from iblatlas.atlas import AllenAtlas
atlas = AllenAtlas(25)
brainreg_path = Path(r'C:\Neuropixels_sorting_folder\JL101_20240914_g0\JL101_1_processed\probe_ccf.npy')
picks = np.load(brainreg_path)
# Convert picks to um by multiplying by resolution of atlas
picks = picks * 10
# Swap axis to picks has order apdvml (current oder is a mldvap)
picks[:, [2, 0]] = picks[:, [0, 2]]
# Convert to mlapdv relative to bregma
xyz_mlapdv = atlas.ccf2xyz(picks, ccf_order='apdvml') * 1e6
xyz_picks = {'xyz_picks': xyz_mlapdv.tolist()}
output_path = Path(r'C:\Neuropixels_sorting_folder\JL101_20240914_g0\alf')
with open(Path(output_path, 'xyz_picks.json'), "w") as f:
json.dump(xyz_picks, f, indent=2)
When I load it in the GUI i get the probe in this location, does it look reasonable?
Thanks for your help! The coordinates should be around OFC, and that seems to be around GPe(?) maybe some axis got flipped?
Does this look more reasonable?
In that case you were correct with the apdvml order. All you need to do is multiply by 10 to ensure the coordinates are in um.
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import json
from iblatlas.atlas import AllenAtlas
atlas = AllenAtlas(25)
brainreg_path = Path(r'C:\Neuropixels_sorting_folder\JL101_20240914_g0\JL101_1_processed\probe_ccf.npy')
picks = np.load(brainreg_path)
# Convert picks to um by multiplying by resolution of atlas
picks = picks * 10
# Convert to mlapdv relative to bregma
xyz_mlapdv = atlas.ccf2xyz(picks, ccf_order='apdvml') * 1e6
xyz_picks = {'xyz_picks': xyz_mlapdv.tolist()}
output_path = Path(r'C:\Neuropixels_sorting_folder\JL101_20240914_g0\alf')
with open(Path(output_path, 'xyz_picks.json'), "w") as f:
json.dump(xyz_picks, f, indent=2)
Yes, this is the coordinates!! Thanks for your help, and will give this a try now
Unfortunately, I still got this error while trying to extract the data.
I fixed it by changing the _phy_spikes_subset.waveforms.npy to _phy_spikes_subset_waveforms.npy
For some reason, python didn't like the double dot notation. Thanks!
I encountered this error while running extract_data:
I was wondering if this is a problem???
Best, Jay