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Review ephys recording script and documentation #379

Closed k1o0 closed 1 month ago

k1o0 commented 3 months ago

There is some confusion with the old and new ephys recording script and rig params. The script is in iblscripts/deploy/ephyspc. The old parameters are in APPDATA while the new ones are in the iblrig settings file. There is a function that migrates these but the old file is still used somehow. Second, the documentation is probably out of date, and third, the old script should be removed entirely once all users have iblrigv8 in their env.

mayofaulkner commented 3 months ago
bimac commented 2 months ago

k1o0 commented 1 month ago

Running start_ephys_session example 0 then copying with transfer_data --tag ephys now works fine for extracting behaviour-only ephys rig sessions.

@GaelleChapuis Are there any old Google Doc instructions we should update for running ephys sessions in general?